Futons & More

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1769 Mt Hope Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620 [Directions]
Hours (as of February 2011)
Monday-Friday: 11:00AM to 7:00PM
Saturday: 11:00AM to 5:00PM
Sunday: Noon to 4:00PM
585 244 6520
Wheelchair Accessible

Futons & More is a furniture store in Upper Mount Hope dedicated to all things futons, including high-end futons that feel really good. The owner is into board gaming.


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2007-08-18 13:31:19   Has a nice selection of wooden frames, both finished and unfinished. It is a luxury but a pretty good bargain compared to the price of a new mattress. The customer service is great and the futons (if you buy the correct mattress) along with the wooden frames make for great support for your back! I have never been so glad in investing in a futon mattress and good wooden frame (none of that metal) as I sleep really well at night. —EugeniaHuang

2009-04-05 18:17:17   Super friendly, patient, and very knowledgeable about all the products in the store! You are encouraged to spend as long as you like trying and testing the various types of futons and mattresses that are available. Everything is very well-made and seems like much better value than comparably priced items at the big box furniture stores. —AdamFuller