Great Clips

InfoInfo MapMap
Location Phone
620 Jefferson Rd, Henrietta, NY 14623 [Directions] 585 292 0026
1900 South Clinton Ave, Brighton, NY 14618 585 319 4811
1075 Ridge Rd, Webster, NY 14580 [Directions] 585 872 7625
2164 Penfield Road, Penfield, NY 14526 [Directions] 585 388 6828
2833 West Ridge Road, Greece, NY 14626 585 227 8333
400 Commerce Dr, Victor, NY 14564 585 924 3979
Core Hours (as of May 2014 per Website)
Monday - Friday: 9:00AM to 9:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM to 6:00PM
Sunday: 10:00AM to 5:00PM

Great Clips is a national chain hair salon with several locations in Rochester. They do not schedule appointments, but operate on a first-come, first-served basis with current wait times shown on their website.


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2015-09-18 16:05:54   This pertains to their Brighton location. Their tagline is 'No more waiting around.' I went in on a Saturday at 5:45 pm. Imagine my surprise when I find the door locked. On knocking the door, the hair stylist (she gave her name as Christina) came to door and said these specific words 'We are closed'. When I pointed out the timing painted at the door, she said 'How many people?'. 'One' I said. She made a face and said just wait. What made matters worse was she talked to the other stylist and pointing towards me and said 'Some people do not know when to check-in.' That was enough for me take. I asked for the managers name and was told it is Devon, who was not present in store at that time. I am not sure that even the franchisee of that particular location knows about what these people do in their absence. —deepbhatt