1/23/2010: The suspects from the Penfield church break-in have officially been charged with the FBC robbery. This will be deleted within a few days as promised. Thank you to any who helped.-PeteB
On Thursday, January 6, sometime in the overnight hours 5 churches were burglarized in our area.
Most were on the west side according to
this article.
One of them is our own January Business Spotlight of the Month First Baptist Church of Rochester in Brighton. Money was taken, a vault with years of irreplacable church history and documentation ransacked, and a copier damaged when the vandals poured a bottle of water on it.
Churches and other religious locales should be places of peace, safety and refuge— not places of destruction. The targetting of churches is despicable.
We know we have RocWiki readers all over the county and we appreciate your support.
If you drive by a church or any other religious building and see any suspicious activity, please call 911 and help us catch these people.
Thank You Very Much!