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2535 Brighton-Henrietta Town Line Road, Rochester NY 14623 |
Phone |
585 427 2468 |
<info AT thejewishledger DOT com> |
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The Jewish Ledger is a weekly newspaper serving the region's Jewish community. Founded in 1924, this independent, award-winning newspaper publishes local, national and international features, opinions and news stories.
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2007-10-15 13:24:34 Greetings, I'd like to write an article and submit it for print. What is the procedure? —MiriamJuliano
2007-10-15 13:56:41 Hi Miriam, this page isn't actually affiliated with the Jewish Ledger in any way; they might not even know of this page's existence. Pages on RocWiki are created and edited by users (like yourself!), not necessarily by the company/restaurant/etc. that the page is about. Your best bet is to email them at jledger@frontiernet.net. —RachelBlumenthal
2010-06-30 15:04:15 The email to contact the Jewish Ledger is info@thejewishledger.com and we also publish Golf Week info@golfweekrochester.com. We publish weekly and also post legal notices for flat rate prices. Please email us to place a legal notice and submit a press release or golf information. Kathy @ The Jewish Ledger —KathyChamberlain