Liberty Pole

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East Ave and East Main St., Rochester, NY 14604 [Directions]

libertypole2.jpgCC (Noncommercial) Attribute [WWW]2008 Photo by [WWW]Flickr User _yoshi_

Liberty Pole with lights.jpgCC (Noncommercial) Attribute [WWW]2007 Photo by [WWW]Flickr User _yoshi_ The Liberty Pole is a well known steel sculpture located at the downtown intersection of East Avenue, East Main Street, and Franklin Street.

The current pole is the third liberty pole to have graced our city; designed by local architect James H. Johnson, it was erected in 1965. The original was built in 1846, constructed from wood, and eventually toppled. A similar fate met its successor which was destroyed by a storm the day after Christmas in 1889.

Each year around Christmas, the Liberty Pole is strung with lights and lit up at night. [WWW]2007 Christmas Lighting of the Liberty Pole (video)

Santas will meet at the Liberty Pole on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 1:30 PM for [WWW]Santacon!

See [WWW] for detailed history and photos.

Protest Site

pole4.jpgA Rainy Evening

libertypole1.jpgThe Liberty Pole This site has become a popular location for organized protest in our city, due to its symbolic significance. In many ways this serves as a disadvantage to protestors, as it allows them to be more easily pushed from relevant protest areas to this statue1.