Michelina's Italian Eatery/Talk

InfoInfo ArticleArticle

Michelina's Italian Eatery

Talk Page

This page is where differences in opinions about RocWiki pages are resolved, and notes are left from one contributor to another related to content.

MissGia's Comment

Unedited Comment:

2007-11-07 14:36:32   Watch out for the rats!! —MissGia

Edited Comment:

2008-03-24 09:20:13   Since my comment raised red flags to everyone and caused a ton of drama, i am going to clarify it as asked by the wiki community. Yes, i did work for this establishment and NO i am not a disgruntled employee. When i worked there in summer/fall of 05 they had a serious rat problem that was never tended to be an exterminator (that i saw, anyways) and was never reported. The rats were "taken care of" via bludgeoning from a garden hoe, a pellet gun and antifreeze. This comment is NOT intended to be slander, it is to tell potential customers what is happening in an establishment behind closed doors. I gain nothing from saying this on this wiki...i gain no satisfaction or "revenge," because i am not seeking any. I simply believe that this is a valid point to make when this is a site to tell what the establishments in Rochester are like, and what the pros and cons are. —MissGia

Please note that a discussion is taking place on our [WWW]mailing list. In particular, Missgia has explained that the comment was based on personal observations while she was employed there. A time frame for her observation has not been provided, but has been requested. Provided that point of is clarified, the comment will, in all likelihood, be restored to the parent page.

While we may logically conclude that the observation was made around 7 November 2007, it is important to clarify this for the benefit of visitors just skimming the page content.

RocWiki is committed to providing businesses, workers and consumers a channel for mutually beneficial communication. We encourage all visitors to RocWiki to provide feedback about their experiences, good or bad. We wish merely to ensure that future site visitors can make judicious decisions about where to seek employees, employment, goods or services with the posted information.

JohnLance's Comment

Unedited Comment: 2008-03-26 12:20:06   MissGia, No I do not own a restaurant or any business, ive worked at paychex for 12 years. You are delusional and are in need of immediate psychiatric help. —JohnLance

This message is presumably in response to a MissGia's comment on her own page. It's not relevant and contains personal attacks.

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