Olive Garden

InfoInfo MapMap
Address Location Phone
532 Jefferson Road, Henrietta NY, 14623 [Directions] Henrietta 292 0590 Sunday - Thursday: 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Friday & Saturday: 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM
100 Paddy Creek Circle, Rochester NY, 14615 [Directions] Irondequoit 865 5610 Sunday - Thursday: 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Friday & Saturday: 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM
204 High Point Drive, Victor, NY 14564 [Directions] Victor 223 2040 Sunday - Thursday: 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Friday & Saturday: Noon to Midnight
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[wikipedia]Olive Garden

Olive Garden is a national chain Italian restaurant with three locations in the Rochester area. The restaurant is owned by the [WWW]Darden Company.


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   https://rocwiki.org/Wiki_Settings/Images?sendfile=true&file=talkicon.png See Archive Page for comments prior to 2008.

2008-03-05 12:14:11   How to have the OG at home:

Step 1: Buy a box of pasta and two jars of alfredo sauce from Wegmans.

Step 2: Cook the entire box of pasta. Heat both jars of alfredo sauce.

Step 3: Combine. Add more salt. Eat the entire thing.

Step 4: Repeat daily to get fat. —VinceC

2008-05-16 13:22:26   Why , why would you eat here when there are 3,256 local Italian restaurants in Rochester and half of them serve better food than the Olive Garden. It just doesnt make sense, and Im not Italian. Simply awful. —MrRochester

2008-09-29 16:18:13   Beefaroni is better Italian food than the culinary disaster that is the O.G. The patrons are annoying, demanding, and loud. The service is atrocious. Avoid. —JhirkFace

2008-12-29 11:51:44   We were at the Greece location Sunday afternoon for an early dinner. Someone was illegally parked in a Handicapped spot so I mentioned it to the hostess who said, "There is nothing I can do." The Manager corrected the situation and her but I was less than pleased with the lack of Customer Service o the issue —PeteB

2009-07-16 16:47:19   Just rename it to Salt Garden. —BatGuano

2010-09-20 07:30:15   I've only eaten at Olive Garden 3 times in my life when my gf's family goes there. I will say that for a chain restaurant they aren't bad. The service has been better than other places, they are clean, and twice we've come with parties of 12 and they are able to seat us easily. That said, Vince is pretty much right. Anything at Olive Garden I could do at home in about 30 minutes. —DamianKumor