The following is a list of public databases with information related to Rochester.
LIBRAWeb - Database for Monroe County Libraries, with convenient web access.
Also see: Data sharing cooperative
Infoshare - Provides access to public info (census demographics, socio-economic info, health...). Free for individual use.
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2005-11-27 18:46:42 Does anyone know where I can find crime statistics for our city broken down by zip, street, and neighborhood? I've been told that the the public safety building will provide the information I'm looking for, but I'm hoping there is an easier method. —RobertPolyn
2005-11-27 20:04:13 You can definitely get stats at the NET Office, though they were very hesitant when I asked for information in electronic form. They'll give you print outs of whatever you want, though. —TobinFricke