Rochester Hearing and Speech Center

InfoInfo MapMap
Rochester Location
1000 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620 [Directions] in the Al Sigl Center
585 271 0680 TTY: 585 442 2985
Greece Location
3199 Ridge Road West, Rochester NY 14626 [Directions] across from Lowe's
585 723 2140 TTY: 585 723 3856
Webster Location
1170 Ridge Road, Webster NY [Directions]
585 286 9373 TTY: 585 442 2985
<info AT rhsc DOT org>
[WWW]RHSC's Facebook Page

The Rochester Hearing and Speech Center (RHSC), a non-profit, United Way agency, identifies, evaluates and provides treatment for children and adults with speech, language and hearing problems. They also provide outreach programs at nursing homes, day care centers, local schools and industry to serve the overall Rochester Community.

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2007-03-03 17:21:44   We just opened a location in Webster also, on Ridge Rd. —JcPop