This page provides information about Rochester IP Addresses, their importance to RocWiki, and related resources.
An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique address that certain electronic devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other on a computer network utilizing the Internet Protocol (IP) standard —in simpler terms, a computer address. IP addresses are like phone numbers for computers connected to networks.
List of Rochester IP Addresses
A list of Rochester IP Addresses using the CIDR format.
- = Rochester Institute of Technology
- = University of Rochester
- = Time Warner / Road Runner
- = Time Warner / Road Runner
- = Time Warner / Road Runner
- = Boulder Coffee Co. as of 2007-3-31
- = Frontiernet DSL
- = Xerox
- = Eastman Kodak
To do
Determine IP addresses for WiFi Hot Spots around town.
Figure out which IP class RR actually owns, probably only a bunch of B classes.
Using the List
Help track vandalism and fake accounts.
Provide a geeky bit of Rochester trivia.
Notes and References
IP Address Locator go here to see your IP address and the information known from the IP Address.
What is My IP - also shows other information about your system known to sites you visit.
Hide IP Address - service that lets you surf via a proxy server so that sites cannot gather information about you.
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