Oh my! This is still a draft page... see Sex/Talk to give input, or DavisWiki's Sex page for a pre-existing example.
Or leave me a comment if you'd like to take a bawdy, ribald, and licentious tour of Roc's tender, pink underbelly (in a strictly fact-gathering sense).
To add:
Planned Parenthood, other clinics/resources
Strip clubs
Swingers groups
Prostitution scene
Rochester sexual slang, if any exists
Groups and Clubs
Sex Offenders - now there is a group (:>(
Free, anonymous HIV testing (both a blood test and a saliva test, your choice) is offered every Tuesday at the Huther Doyle building (360 East Avenue, near East and Alexander and the Ch31/FOX building) from 12:30pm to 4pm. Phone: 1-800-962-5063 or 423-8081. They're very friendly and it takes 20-40 minutes.
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