St. John Fisher Golf Course

InfoInfo MapMap
Former Location
69 Fairport Road, Rochester NY, 14618 [Directions]

See Gone, But not forgotten

The course was located on the South side of Fairport Road across from the main part of the college campus, behind Murphy Hall.


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2018-10-12 17:11:47   SJF razed hundred of square acres of forests, meadows and trails to build this atrocity that never was going to pay for itself. Now it sits neglected. Good for snowmobilers, I guess. What a shame - should have been green space, which is sorely lacking in that area. —RenfrewZetz

2018-10-13 13:34:20   Google maps seem to suggest that at least 3/4 of what used to be the gold course is now the Coleman Chapel and several sports fields. It's also adjacent to the 490 on/off ramp and sandwiched between sub-developments. Finally, Google maps also suggests it's under 50 acres, much closer to 40. —badfish