UrBee is the name of the former mascot for the University of Rochester's athletics. The new Mascot is known as "Rocky" - see below. URBee was put in mothballs due to being too "cuddly".
Some History
"According to campus legend, the Rochester sports teams became the "Yellowjackets" in 1925, when football player Howard Garnish '27 urged his yellow-clad teammates with the cheer "Go you Yellow Jackets!"
In May,1930, the nickname was considered by the Board of Control not to have a classical or traditional enough connotation, and a contest was held for a new name for the University of Rochester teams; suggestions included Goldbugs, Rivermen, Dandelions, Genesseans, and Sailors. But when put to a vote, Yellowjackets was by far the winner.
In 1991, Garnish said the name came from an editorial he wrote in the campus newspaper."1
Back to Recent Times
"The University of Rochester needs a new name to go with its new mascot, a sneering, fist-clenching wasp. A costume for the tough-looking insect is being created and hopefully will be... more... D&C News Beat Nov 27, 2007
"Rocky" is the new name of the University of Rochester s mascot, a more pugnacious wasp. University President Joel Seligman introduced Rocky to a crowd of more than 1,000 Friday night be... more... D&C News Beat Feb 2, 2008
Notes and References
AOL Video Behind URBee - Fun bio
Meet Rocky U of R Review Mar Apr 2008
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Traditions, Events and Entertainment - Mascot on University of Rochester Library site.