University of Rochester/Gilbert Hall

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Faculty Rd, Rochester, NY 14627 [Directions]

Gilbert Hall is a co-ed dorm facility at the University of Rochester. Gilbert Hall is the largest residence on the Quad. It houses approximately 300 students, primarily in double rooms.

Major features of Gilbert include our largest programming area, an ample kitchen to support large activities and a connected outdoor patio area to extend programs; study rooms on every floor and in the laundry room areas; two floor lounges and kitchenettes on every floor; a seminar room and ample vending area. The hall also has Wi-Fi available to authenticated users.1

It is located on Faculty Rd. off of Wilson Blvd. in between the Robert B. Goergen Athletic Center and Fraternity Rd., and is part of the Residence Quad. Immediately adjacent to Gilbert Hall is another freshman dorm facility, Hoeing Hall.