Wiki Community/Tips & Techniques provides a place for RocWiki Editors to share tips on how to accomplish the work of RocWiki and develop it as a class resource.
Tip List
To display the page for editing or reverting:
Search for the page you are interested in recovering (make sure you enter the exact page name in the search box)
You will be prompted to create a new page, but do not create the page
Click on the Info Button to display the Revision History of the page
If no history is found then this page never existed or the entire revision history of the page was deleted
Select the appropriate revision to restore and then click on the "revert" link to the right
Enter reason for the "Undelete" and continue.
Sometime you might accidently delete a page or discover that someone purposely deleted a legitimate page. Here is how to get the page back.
Page Names within RocWiki are limited to alphabetic and numerics characters plus some others discussed below. Illegal characters are automatically rejected when you attempt to use them while creating a page with the following error message:
Invalid pagename: the characters > < ? # [ ] _ { } | ~ " are not allowed in page names.
Page names must be less than 100 characters.
Page Names within RocWiki have two forms, the Wiki Page Name with which we create the page, use in an internal link, and see displayed at the top of the page:
["Wiki Community/Tips & Techniques"]
The URL Page Name which appears after in the page's web URL
In the URL page names, some characters are replaced by other characters which appear in the name as %nn, where nn is the hexidecimal value of the ASCII character. For example: the space is indicated by the underscore Wiki Community versus Wiki_Community and the "&" by "%26".
Normally a page name with a forward slash (PageName/SubPageName) is a subordinate of the initial PageName. You will see this in the "Users/Username" for RocWiki User pages. See "Companies/CategoryName" and "Wiki Community/Subject" for example. RocWiki editors should avoid using the forward slash as part of the page name.
In the case that "PageName" does not exist PageName (["PageName"]) gets you a request to create the page and clicking on the "PageName" portion in the top bar while in ["PageName/SubPageName"] stays on the page. Try clicking on just the "Wiki Community" or the "Tips & Techniques" in the page name in the tool bar above.
Special Characters and Codes
Character | ! | # | $ | & | ' | ( | ) | * | , | - | . | / | : | ; | = | @ | \ | ^ | ` |
Firefox | ! | %24 | %25 | %26 | %27 | %28 | %29 | * | %2C | - | . | / | : | %3B | %3D | %40 | %5C | %5E | %60 |
IE | %21 | %24 | %25 | %26 | %27 | %28 | %29 | * | %2C | - | . | / | : | %3B | %3D | %40 | %5C | %5E | %60 |
CODES | %21 | %24 | %25 | %26 | %27 | %28 | %29 | %2A | %2C | %2D | %2E | %2F | %3A | %3B | %3D | %40 | %5C | %5E | %60 |
Our special characters
PageName/ ! $ % & ' ( ) * , - . / : ; = @ \ ^ `!_%24_%25_%26_%27_%28_%29_*_%2C_-_._/_:_%3B_%3D_%40_%5C_%5E_%60!_%24_%25_%26_%27_%28_%29_*_%2C_-_._/_:_%3B_%3D_%40_%5C_%5E_%60
RocWiki Search in your Browser
Put RocWiki at your fingertips! You may include the RockWiki Search engine as an additional Search selection in your Browser's search box.
FireFox Screenshot Firefox Search Add-In
Click on your search button (usually the Google "G") and select the added menu item Add "RocWiki."
RocWiki will install the RocWiki search facility into your Firefox Browser
Once installed, you'll even get suggestions as you type your search term as illustrated below.
IE 7 Screenshot Internet Explorer Search Add-In
Go to the
IE Search Add-In Page.
Enter into the two fields within the "Create Your Own" Dialog
" "
and " RocWiki " (or whatever you want to appear in the pull-down list)
Results will be a new addition to the Search pull-down list shown below
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