
     (Redirected from AdrienneDahler)

I've lived in the Rochester area since I was 3 years old. Grew up in Penfield; husband and I bought a house in North Winton Village in 2008, had kids, moved to Brighton in 2017. I don't get out as much as I used to.

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80424312005-04-16 11:03:352025-02-24 11:42:032025/Openings


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2007-05-09 16:32:00   Welcome to RocWiki, Adrienne! Please let us know if we can answer any questions or offer assistance. —PeteB

2007-05-11 15:31:26   Thanks Peter! I've actually been a lurker on the site for quite some time (as you can see from my join date); it's been incredibly useful to me, and I'm going to start contributing more myself. —AdrienneDahler

2013-08-14 16:28:54   FYI: New Cantonese moved to 80 Commerce Dr —TippingPoint

2013-11-08 12:49:36   Thanks for letting us know! Glad to hear they're back! —EileenF

2024-01-22 13:50:51   Good to see you back on the Wiki! —peteb

2024-07-29 17:04:11   Adrienne...The previous Admin now known as Rey Tucker, who maintained the wiki in the past, has vanished. Do you now anyone who would be interested and skilled enough to help us gain back-end control of it or bethe new maintenance Admin for it? I'd hate to lose all the work done by everyone —peteb

2024-08-19 06:31:35   I don't know how to answer your question Damian had some info but is no longer responding to messages —peteb