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BenMargolis1.jpgPhoto by [WWW]Rachel Blumenthal. Hi, this is Ben. I have lived in Rochester since fall 2001 for college, and continuously since fall 2002. Originally from New York City and a 2005 UR graduate, I am a web developer by profession and the VP of Transitions - Renewing Rochester Together. Before I came here, I had never heard of Rochester. After hanging out with people that were from Rochester originally and were able to show me around, I started liking it. If you are a student, I definitely recommend staying over the summer to get a sense of what Rochester is like. When I was in college I started a business that did food delivery and online ordering for restaurants, but I have since pursued other interests. I was also in a band called People's Donut, later Element Groove, where I was playing reggae and funk on my saxophone. I am relocating to Boston in August because Rachel is going to grad school at BU. I'll be paying nearly twice as much for a worse apartment, woo hoo! However, it will be fun exploring a new city and seeing how other people live. Hopefully I will come back after that, though.

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34336192005-11-05 01:44:122013-08-30


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2009-08-02 10:40:09   Hi Ben, I was editing Grove Place and saw your image uploads and note. I looked at the RochesterDowntown site, but could not find the posted photos anywhare. Just for clarity on any copyright issues, do they belong to RochesterDowntown and do we have specific permission to post the photos. Thanks, Brad —BradMandell