Borinquen Dance Theatre

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121 Fitzhugh St. N, Suite 303, Rochester NY 14614 [Directions]
Phone & Fax
585 263 2623
<bdtrochester AT gmail DOT com>

Founded in 1981, Borinquen Dance Theatre, Inc. uses the study and performance of Puerto Rican folkloric and Latin contemporary dance to foster physical and emotional well-being and to build self-esteem, confidence and maturity. Borinquen Dance Theater is a non-profit organization serving youth ages 8 and older.

Headquartered in Downtown United Presbyterian Church.

Borinquen Dance Theatre

Offers a diverse range of youth, many from economically challenged families, the opportunity to develop and practice discipline through the mental and physical training afforded by a rigorous holistic dance program;

Cultivates leadership skills and teamwork through training, structure, cultural education, and positive role models;

Fosters excellence through high expectations while balancing the demands of academic success with the methods of a disciplined rehearsal, training, and performance program.


Rising to the challenge posed by Garth Fagan at the Puerto Rican Festival more than three decades ago, Nydia has created her own legacy in dance education and youth advocacy through Borinquen Dance Theatre. Her students have gone on to careers in the medical profession, community work, local government and becoming owners of their own dance studios.


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