Little Flower Community Cooperative

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458 Parsells Ave, Rochester, NY 14609 [Directions]
(585) 20-Go-LFC
<littleflower458 AT gmail DOT com>

The Little Flower Community House is a member-supported housing organization, based on [wikipedia]Cooperative principles. Little Flower is a creative mix of home sharing and [wikipedia]cooperative housing philosophy, involving both private apartments, common space, collective meetings, frequent potluck dinners and Couchsurfer and bed-and-breakfast hosting.

Members pool resources, split the work load, and generally benefit from working together, striving not only to be supportive and affordable for guests and members, but ecologically responsible as well, and active in the local urban community, so as to help in the development of a better Rochester.

Little Flower also operates a bed and breakfast for travelers. They are located in the Beechwood neighborhood.

See also: Cooperatives