Mt. Morris Dam

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Mt Morris Dam.jpgAerial view of Mt. Morris Dam - [WWW]WikiMedia Commons 3070722391View of Mt. Morris Dam from West bank, Letchworth State Park (by Flickr user warthurton [WWW]license info)

Mount Morris Dam, Mount Morris, NY 14510 [Directions]
[WWW]Army Corps of Engineers: Mt Morris Dam
Wikipedia: [wikipedia]Mount Morris Dam

Mt. Morris Dam provides flood control to the city of Rochester, New York; since its completion in 1952, according to [WWW]FEMA, estimates are that more than $1 billion dollars in flood damages were avoided by the operation of this reservoir. It is located on the Genesee River near the northern end of Letchworth State Park.

Though the Genesee River was a convenient blessing for waste disposal in our city's early history, even it was worthless to flush away and dilute waste during dry stretches. This and mill concerns were apparently the primary reasons for lobbying Congress for inclusion of the $25 million dollar project in the [wikipedia]Flood Control Act of 1944.

Dam construction began in 1948 and ended in 1952. It is said to be the largest dam east of the Mississippi.

The [WWW]Army Corps of Engineers, the maintainers of the dam, offer tours from their facility on the East bank of the river.

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