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Don't give FarMcKon root access, whatever you do!
The Spy Bar was really real.
The Spy Bar used to actually exist.
The Spy Bar no longer exists. Or does it?
Soylent Green is made from people. It's made from People!!!!!
We know you own a digital camera, why not snap your favorite eatery or bar and add it to RocWiki!
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Flickr.com or
WebShots.com for your favorite RocWiki entry?
Ask not what the wiki can do for you, ask what you can do for your wiki.
An electrical device run 24-hours a day for a year costs about $1-per-watt, so a 100-watt lightbulb left on all year would cost about $100. Your alarm clock costs about $3/year to run. 1
One gallon of gasoline contains about 36.5 kilowatt-hours of energy so in terms of electricity at $0.10/kilowatt-hour, that would be $3.65/gallon.
The kernel of indisputable information is a dot in space, interpretations grow out of the desire to make this point a line, to give it a direction. - Barry Lopez in Arctic Dreams
Before you get the urge to change somebody's comments, DON'T.
You are being watched, no funny stuff
You are being watched, no funny stuff
Have you played
Atari today?
Are you going green yet? Have you replaced your light bulbs with a
Compact Fluorescent Bulbs yet? Or better yet, mercury-free LED's?
Strange. Normally this would be the place a tip would exist.
Anything less than the best is a felony.
If you point your finger at someone, the other three are pointing back at you (;>)
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Hey server admins! Rebuilding the search index? How about NOT doing it as root and doing it as the username Sycamore is running under instead, eh?
Core error (bus dumped)
Don't eat the yellow snow.
Buy low, sell high.
- 1$0.114/kilowatt-hour * 24 hours/day * 365 days/year * 1 kilowatt/1,000 watts = $1.00/watt-year.