In cooperation with the RocCity 2.0, RocWiki is announcing its first ever Logo Contest!!!
For July and August we will accept entries of images to be considered.
We are now accepting entries until October 12th! Check them out at RocWiki Logo Contest/Entries.
First round of judging was at the September RocWiki Contributor's Meeting. Voting did occur and some submissions were voted out. Due to possible copyright issues, it was decided to delay the final vote until the October RocWiki Contributor's Meeting.
While consensus will be used in evaluating the .png submissions, those at the September meeting will have final judgement, therefore we encourage anyone interested to come to the October meeting!
Once received, the pictures will be put up without any identifying information for review and comment. Comments/thoughts will be welcome and encouraged. Derogatory comments will be removed without question.
1) Please submit pictures in .png format only.
2) Please include name, email or other contact info so we can get a hold of you if you win. Names and contact info will not be posted.
3) Please email them to
4) Multiple submissions from each person are acceptable.
5) Please keep submissions clean. The winning logo will be used on future advertising for RocWiki in cooperation with Roc City 2.0 as well as on RocWiki itself.
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2012-09-06 19:20:59 Honestly I would keep the old one. It's simple and attractive. The new one I would pick would be #1. #10 is cool too, but the picture isn't of Rochester otherwise that one would've taken it. —sub619
2012-10-13 20:09:16 Isn't there a city government copyright on the five-petaled flower logo that appears in several of these designs? I like #8, it's unique. —amyLa
AmyLa—we asked the city for permission-they denied it. —PeteB