Smugtown Mushrooms


P1010548.JPG P1010549.JPGTable in their headquarters displaying a variety of medicinal mushrooms. P1020982.JPGMore mushrooms.

936 Exchange St Rochester NY 14608
Wheelchair Accessible
<smugtownmushrooms AT gmail DOT com>
(585) 690-1926

Smugtown Mushrooms was established in 2012 out of a group of wild mushroom foragers who wish to teach the Rochester community all about their favorite fungaloids. They supply mushrooms for omelets and soups and plan on offering medicinal mushroom tinctures, tea blends, compost, and grow kits, as well as free community classes about mushroom biology, cultivation, and foraging. They are also focused on sustainability and "green energy" techniques.

Eventually Smugtown Mushrooms hopes to work with urban agriculture and neighborhood revival groups. In June 2012 they began selling organic produce on Railroad Street on the way to the Public Market, after noting the lack of organic options available there. They have since moved to Exchange Street and are open by appointment only. They have a weekly presence at the Brighton Farmers Market.

The name "Smugtown" comes from the book Smugtown USA by G. Curtis Gerling.


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