Tuesday Morning was a retail chain of over 790 stores across the United States specializing in selling deeply discounted, upscale home accessories and gifts. Ten times a year, coinciding with the retail industry's peak selling seasons, they receive new merchandise shipments that are priced 50% to 80% off regular retail prices. They close between sales only to restock inventory. They reopen with new new inventory on Tuesday mornings.
At it's local peak the chain had three outlets in the Rochester area.
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2007-10-07 00:20:40 Some days you can go and find some great bargains, other times you question why they would try to sell items when it was obvious why they did not sell by other retailers in the first place. —ScottHendler
2008-07-11 08:56:07 Heh, yeah, I've gotten some okay stuff there before, but better-than-half their inventory has some horrible flaw. Maybe 10% of their stuff is kinda lousy but so cheap that it's sometimes worth it (e.g. I needed a cheap plastic spatula and didn't care much about quality, and sure enough they had one). Another 30% or so makes you say, "Wow, who thought they could sell this?" The remaining 60% makes one say, "Dear God, who's idea was to even make this crap? It doesn't even work!" heh...
It's worth a visit anyway, though. Just remember to imagine yourself using anything you buy there. There's usually a reason it's at Tuesday Morning. —JaySweet