Hear yea, hear yea! All netizens of RocWiki alliance are invited to attend the next Wiki Contributors' Meeting!
August 29, 2010. 1:30 pm. Jay's Diner in Henrietta.
We anticipate discussing new developments:
* Commenting system on Sycamore
* New administrators
* Localwiki.org
* Updates from trying to gain closer ties to Wikispot
* Business Spotlight Proposal
Minutes of the Meeting:
Present: PeteB, RyanTucker, DamianKumor, DawnTucker
1. New Administrators: Having recently acquired two new administrators, we chose not to name JoannaLicata as an administrator. We welcome DamianKumor and TippingPoint to their new roles on RocWiki.
2. LocalWiki, Wikispot and Sycamore: The sysadmin has decided to investigate adding the proposed comments system to both Sycamore and the proposed django-based localwiki software. He has decided that it would be easier and more worthwhile to add comments on localwiki's infrastructure. Philip Neustrom sent PeteB an email updating us on the LocalWiki project.
3. Events Board: We ask the Sysadmin to modify the "Add Event" bit, when has fingers aren't greasy.
4. New Business Spotlight: Proposal: Any business that asks and agrees to link back to us can be noted prominently on our front page. One business per month, named in advance by the Contributors Meeting, for one month.
PeteB will write up an explanation of the Spotlight. We will not put the spotlight on a politician, ever. Businesses can contact info@rocwiki.org to discuss getting listed.
Possible businesses: Xerox Young Professionals (Damian), Fully Belly Deli (providing they confirm with PeteB), Look ah Hookah. Damian will approach a restaurant owner for another month. Sodtech (Ryan) is in queue.
5. Time and Place of Next Meeting: 17 October, 1:30 pm, Jay's Diner.