Birthing Centers

InfoInfo TalkTalk

Rochester expectant mothers may wish to explore their options for giving birth, including the kind of facility for the actual birth process. Some may be considering the option for use of [wikipedia]midwifey or [wikipedia]Doula or be in search of an appropriate [wikipedia]birthing center. Some may have some interest or concerns about [wikipedia]natural childbirth, the role of water in birthing or even an actual [wikipedia]water birth.

Expectant mothers may choose to give birth at home or in one of these local facilities.

There are no non-hospital birthing centers in this area.

Monroe County

Center Location Birthing Midwife Whirlpool1 Water Birth
Strong Memorial Hospital Rochester [WWW]Maternity m unknown unknown
Rochester General Hospital Rochester [WWW]TWIG Birthing Center m UNIT NO
Highland Hospital Rochester [WWW]Family Maternity Center m YES NO
Unity Hospital Greece [WWW]August Family Birth Place m unknown unknown

Surrounding Counties

Center Location Birthing Midwife Whirlpool Water Birth
Medina Memorial Hospital Medina [WWW]TWIG Birthing Center m, OB/Gyn Yes Unknown
Newark-Wayne Community Hospital Newark [WWW]Birthing and Women's Care Center m YES unknown
Noyes Memorial Hospital Dansville [WWW]Birthing Center m unknown unknown
F.F. Thompson Hospital Canandaigua [WWW]Birthing Center m unknown unknown


See Also
