Honeoye Falls

The Village of Honeoye Falls
Location South of Rochester, in the town of Mendon, Monroe County, [wikipedia]New York monroecountrymap-honeoyefalls.jpgVillage of Honeoye Falls, Monroe County, New York
Google map [WWW]Honeoye Falls
Geographical Area 2.6 sq. miles
Population 2,674 as of [wikipedia]the 2010 census
Incorporated 1791
Village website [WWW]http://www.villageofhoneoyefalls.org
Village Offices Honeoye Falls Village Offices
Wikipedia article [wikipedia]Honeoye Falls, NY

2598939492Waterfall in downtown Honeoye Falls (by Flickr user nflect [WWW]license info) History

Honeoye Falls was founded in 1791 by Zebulon Norton. He built a grist mill, and later a saw mill, at a waterfall along Honeoye Creek. He originally purchased the 1,820 acres of land for only 12.5 cents per acre. The area was originally known as Norton Mills. In 1827, Hiram Finch built a second mill, called the Lower Mill.


See Also


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