Byrne Dairy

Location Phone
3771 Chili Avenue, Rochester, NY 14624 585 889 8940
2155 Long Pond Road Rochester, NY 14606 585 247 7780
2295 Spencerport Road, Rochester, NY 14606 585 247 0721
5550 Brockport-Spencerport Road, Brockport, NY 14420* 585 637 3360
1305 Maiden Lane, Rochester, NY 14626 585 227 0333
2180 East Ridge Road, Rochester, NY 14622 585 544 8500
6215 Route, Farmington NY 14425 585 924 0739
201 West Avenue, Canandaigua NY 14424 585 469 7147
31 Paul Rd., Rochester, NY 14624 585 363 5860
321 East Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14455 585 267 7334
1050 Stone Road, Rochester, NY 14616 585 319 4459
1828 Penfield-Walworth Road, Walworth, NY 14568 315 267 0151
611 East Main Street, Palmyra, NY 14522 315 597 5072
Hours (as of February 2025)
Varies by location

Byrne Dairy is a gas station and convenience store with multiple locations. They also serve hard and soft ice cream in the summer. The store is a retail location of the [WWW]Syracuse-based company of the same name.

*Located across the street from Cordello's.


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2008-09-19 16:34:47   I love going here for ice cream in the summer. It's inexpensive, and the people that work there are friendly. —AlexanderGartley

2012-06-29 14:30:00   the ice cream is nice here. i haven't stop by the stand but just get the "baulk" ice cream —bonnev659