A fall arrangement on a doorstep. Taken by BradMandell
Lazy Acre Alpacas. Taken by DawnNicoleJohnson
Bristol Mtn Website
Wallpaper Download Our Fall Guide is a place to contribute and find information about activities and attractions for the fall season. Our area has wonderful seasonal color, so take a ride in the country (if you can afford the gas) or break out the bikes for a ride along the Erie Canal or one of our many bike trails. Fall is also Back To School time, so we provide some information on that special topic.
Seasonal Outdoor Attractions
Bristol Mountain operates their chairlift during the fall. With the leaves changing it is a delightful ride.
Recommended Routes, Trails, etc for Fall Season
Travel along any of the Finger Lakes
Lazy Acre Alpacas provides individual and group tours by appointment year-round at this farm, home to 90+ alpacas. Great bike route to farm! Also has farm store on property.
Back To School
After School Activities Guide from Genesee Valley Parent
Fall Photos and Videos
Fall Foliage Rochester NY Search on Webshots.com
Pumpsickles - great Rochester shot of pumpkins in the snow by Kim Denise on Flickr.com
Rochester NY Fall Foliage search on Flckr.com
Notes and References
Type "''Fall Guide''" in the ''Search Box'' at RochesterCityNewspaper.com
Fall Foliage Getaways on EscapeMaker.com