Location |
2852 West Henrietta Road, Rochester, NY 14623 |
Hours (as of July 2024) |
Monday - Sunday: 9:00AM to 12:00AM |
Phone |
585 844 7272 |
Wheelchair Accessible |
Yes] |
Alcohol |
No |
Website |
https://www.papajohns.com |
![]() |
Papa John's is a national pizza chain which had a half-dozen local outlets, all of which closed abruptly on April 1, 2018. The holder of the local franchise blamed the business climate in New York state. On July 22, 2024 a new franchise owner opened a new location.
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2008-05-16 13:29:59 I personally hate their sauce. It was started by the son of the creator of Pizza Hut after the conglomerate that bought Pizza Hut forced him out. I hate the sauce at Pizza Hut as well. —MrRochester
2008-11-20 11:04:32 The above comment appear to not be true... according to Wikipedia anyway. —HuffaMoose
2009-11-09 05:29:11 If you're an RA at University of Rochester it's the best deal.
But by far inferior to local options. —NickCassaro