Serving St. Thomas the Apostle School - CC Photo MPNNow Wilson Day at the University of Rochester, started in 1988 and named after the Joseph C. Wilson family, is a service-focused Freshman Orientation program for students from the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering and the Eastman School of Music. 1
New students provide their services throughout communities and organizations in Rochester. It is a great way to connect the University students with the community surrounding the college, and also teaches the students to work together.
In previous years, many organizations and areas around the community have benefited from this day of service. In the past, students have worked at the Mt. Hope Cemetery, the Seneca Park Zoo, Greece Volunteer Ambulance Service, and schools in the Rochester City School District.
"More than seventy percent of Rochester students continue to volunteer for community service projects sponsored by the university or on their own each semester. A student organization called Community Service Network acts as the clearinghouse for projects, allowing students and student groups to spend their time serving the community, not searching for places to serve." 2
Notes and References
Wilson Day Photos on from Carlson Science and Engineering Library at the University of Rochester.
Adding to a growing preschool program on - also photo at right
Susan B Anthony Neighborhood Assoc - Sep 2007 Wilson Day
- 1
U of R Aug 27, 2008 Press Release
- 2
U of R Community Service section on