Date: April 10, 2010
Time: 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Location: Jay's Diner, Brighton
Attendance: PeteB & spouse, RyanTucker, DawnTucker, JackGreenky
Next Meeting: June 27, 1:30PM, Custom Brewcrafters in Honeoye Falls
New comments system: Ryan declared that he just needs to start simple and do it. Pete reiterated the desirability of a reverse date sort; Ryan believes that's the easy part. (Addendum:
e-mail sent to sycamore-dev mailing list)
Formatting of Page Headers: It was agreed that the use of footnotes for the Hours field is somewhat unsightly, and for most situations is unnecessary unless further explanation is necessary1.
Zip codes on Addresses: Jack mentioned that zip codes should be included on addresses for GPS programming purposes. Dawn suggested an automation to translate zip code->town name for display, perhaps adding the appropriate wiki link as well.
Quick comments: Jack suggested a mechanism where comments/feedback could be left by non-logged-in users, perhaps to report out-of-date information or suggest additional features. Handling this information will require some thought.
Bus-proofing the domain: Pete resumed the discussion about ownership of the domain. Ryan believes the domain is in good hands with RobertPolyn, but that if Rob gets hit by a bus or abducted by aliens, there may not be a clear succession plan. He suggested placing the domain in an account where multiple trusted people have access to the domain. Pete will look into this, through a mutual contact.
Next meeting: To continue the "tradition" of doing something fun each summer, a tour of Custom Brewcrafters will open the next meeting, followed by food, etc, at a location to be determined. Dawn the Wiki Mom will research this further. We will also discuss the "senior contributor" proposal for vandalism reduction at that meeting, as it got missed during the April meeting.
See Talk Page for discussion and comments.
- 1I forgot to transfer this from my paper notes to the minutes, and I no longer have the paper copy.