We are now live on a new server! This is a virtual server hosted by Linode in Atlanta, Georgia, which ought to provide ample capacity for future growth.
If something is missing, the data from the old server is sitting on Users/RyanTucker's hard drive.
Things You Can Do
CSS Adjustments - There's a new CSS layout in the new system. I just have the old stuff up there for now, but it's causing some amount of visual breakedness. This is probably the #1 most ugly thing still remaining. Ask me for details and whatnot... —Users/RyanTucker
Go to Wiki Community/May 2008 Migration/CSS for a detailed list of the selectors that need help. —DaveMahon
Report any problems to <rtucker AT gmail DOT com>!
To Do
The Talk page there is a frequent place to accidentally put stuff. Probably worth seeing if there's an easy way to make that less accidentally-populatable. —RyanTucker
See User Preferences/Talk and User Settings/Talk for my stab at reducing accidental postings. —DaveMahon
Post-Migration To Do
Lock down the Wiki Settings pages so that they are not generally editable by just any logged in user — DaveMahon
Re-arrange group structures to have a TechGroup and a ContentGroup OPTIONAL — DaveMahon
Magical Niftiness
/Users/yournamehere exists! And is handled gracefully! (DaveMahon)
Tables are still treacherous (oh well) — DaveMahon
Search isn't working at all dial maintenance.py option 3, wait about an hour, and bing!
Fix Front Page display - fixed by restarting index.scgi and memcached
Tag oddness —
http://www-new.rocwiki.org/Tags_Cheat-Sheet The mailto link is spitting out square brackets, Title 5 not supported (DaveMahon) - it was using
https://rocwiki.org/ for image links instead of www-new; this should be fixed. Title 5 (five equals) seems to be working OK and producing a h6 for me...? —RyanTucker
User import —
http://www-new.rocwiki.org/User_Statistics Only users with at least 1 edit were transferred (DaveMahon) - everyone's there and enabled, just not showing under User_Statistics unless they have userWikiInfo.edit_count > 0 . Make a strong case and that could be adjusted :-) —RyanTucker
Page editing — Check Spelling dictionary is 395 words long - huh... showing as 483565 words when i try
http://www-new.rocwiki.org/Urban_Renewal?action=edit here. —RyanTucker Caching error, probably. My those settings are aggressive! — DaveMahon
Reboot test — migrated from UML to Xen-based virtualization, which involved a reboot and caused much speediness. —RyanTucker
Fix Google API key for Map button - i created a new API key for www-new, but it is still dispensing the old one. There's a lot more caching on the new server, so it's probably stuck in memcached or something. - i tried it, Rottenchester tried it, and the darned thing won't give out the new API key. This may well remain broken until after migration. I switched the config back to use the old key, just so we don't end up with the reverse problem should Murphy strike... —RyanTucker Officially ignoring! —RyanTucker OMG IT WORKED —Users/RyanTucker
CSS Fixes — in Wiki Settings/CSS, there are three new CSS files. The RocWiki Look & Feel (tm) needs migrated over to them. (note to self: save this before doing dump/reloads :-) (mostly done)
Restart sycamore, restart memcached, rebuild caches
Migrate apple-touch-icon.png & favicon.ico and probably the stuff under wiki/ (which I think is just linking back to rocwiki.org right now...)
It worked fine in testing, but the user page renaming didn't work in prod. D'oh. Bugged Philip. —Users/RyanTucker I forgot to kill memcached before running the user convert script, so it thought everyone had already been converted. Bugger. Fixed! Thanks, Philip! —Users/RyanTucker
Events RSS feed seems to be spitting out as text/html, not application/xml-fancypants-++. Since this will probably require a bit of malletting, it might be cool to extend the date range too... —RyanTucker done on both; rss feed now shows 7 days, mime type is right. edit in action/events.py, e-mailed diff to philip. —Users/RyanTucker
Rename all of the templates from xxx Template to Templates/xxx — e.g. Business Template is now Templates/Business — thanks RC —Users/RyanTucker
Test the maps API and hope it works!
Re-adjust robots.txt to stop preventing Google from indexing the new server before its time (does anything get past Google?)
Rename User Preferences to User Settings.
Rename Templates from "XXX Template" to "Templates/XXX".
User Statistics: I think we should leave User Statistics as the total list of all users and convert People to the list of users with at least one edit. It will reduce the workload involved in maintaining the wiki by a small amount. We do want to know how many registered users we have though. — DaveMahon I put up User Statistics/All which might be what you're after... replacing People with a redir to User Statistics (or vice versa‽) would probably reduce some workload too. If you're interested in any other macros with other queries (might I recommend, say, edit count greater than one and last edit within the past year for the People page?), lemme know... —Users/RyanTucker
RSS Events Board feed is still "coming soon" — DaveMahon - I suspect this is because it's only spitting out today's events. Not sure why (well, I know exactly why, just not sure "why" it's that way), but this may be fixable. —RyanTucker EAT IT, SQL! The RSS feed 1) works and 2) returns 7 days of data. This can be adjusted, lemme know how many days would be cool. It's all guid-based so changing it won't kill people that subscribe to the feed. —Users/RyanTucker
Page editing — Anonymous editing currently enabled by default; disable itThis is done in Wiki_Settings/Security
Added sitemap support
https://rocwiki.org/sitemap.xml — auto-regenerates every two hours. Listed in
robots.txt, too. This might help with search engine stuff.
Macro support — Remove Date and DateTime macros from the Macros List page due to their near total lack of utility, plus it's easier than trying to make them work. — DaveMahon
Edit the content of /Users to reflect new system (DaveMahon)
Disable editing on the old server. —DaveMahon
Editing is still enabled for admins but is disabled for normal users. (I think.) In any case, the server will probably go away eventually. I should image it before it does... —Users/RyanTucker Editing has been disabled by Rottenchester, to say the least; old server has been made into glue. —Users/RyanTucker