Welcome to RocWiki, the People's guide to Rochester, New York. This site is continually updated, expanded, and improved by people in Rochester, NY because they want to share what they love or loathe about their city. You can search the site by using the box on the upper right of every page, or you can use the pre-sorted links below to go to the most popular sections. We encourage you to learn more and would welcome your help. Since this is a community effort, please let us know if you have any concerns about the content of this site.
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Congratulations to ScottHendler on being our current DamnHippy winner!!!
In support of the BLM movement, a page has been created to spotlight Black-Owned Businesses in Rochester. Please feel free to add businesses to this category!
RocWiki Tourists Guide to Rochester
How to Get to Rochester, Geography, Places to Stay
Guides, Oddities, Rochester Cuisine
Day Trips, Conventions, Tour, Cruises
Restaurants, Bars, Street Meat, Water Front
Grocery Stores, Farmer's Markets
Bakeries, Liquor Stores, Wineries, Breweries
Chat about Rochester, Events Board, Wiki Community
City Wishlist, Optimism, Pessimism, Local Slang
Business in the Rochester Region
Activism, Volunteer, Nonprofit Organizations
Life with Kids, Pet Life, LGBT Community
Our Comprehensive Guide — Rochester has a lot of cool little stores. Check them out!
Utilities, Government, Politics
City Overview, City Neighborhoods, City Infrastructure
WiFi Hot Spots, Transportation
Health & Education
Current Events
Important Reminders
None currently
Today's Events RSS LiveJournal (What is this?) — see more on the Events Board!
Seasonal Activities
Spring Guide, Summer Guide, Fall Guide, Winter Guide
See also: Regular Events, Festivals, Holidays
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Interesting Pages
Mystery Picture
Ready for a new mystery picture?!
Can you guess where this picture was taken?
See Mystery History for older mystery pictures.
The RocWiki currently has 17015 pages and counting.
2016-10-25: City Newspaper awards RocWiki Best Local Website 2016 -
Best of Rochester 2016: Local Color
2015-10-29: City Newspaper awards RocWiki Best Local Website 2015 -
Best of Rochester 2015: Local Color
2012-09-06: Local Reporter Rachel Barnhart wrote about us on her blog-
The Rochesterian!
City Newspaper mentions RocWiki.
Check out the Wiki Community/History for older news.
"Everything is worth precisely as much as a belch, the difference being that a belch is more satisfying." - Ingrid Bergman