Music Venues |
Locations around town that FREQUENTLY feature LIVE music of all varieties.
City of Rochester
Large Venues
Blue Cross Arena Hosts a concert every month or two. Usually mainstream Pop, Rock and Hip Hop. Capacity 12,428.
Eastman Theater Concerts every week. Usually Strings, Piano and World Music. Capacity 2,400.
Main Street Armory Hosts a concert every month or so. Usually Alternative bands. Capacity 6,500.
Mid-Sized Venues
Anthology Several shows each month. Mostly new artists and bands. Capacity 900.
The Avalon hosts live music.
Harro East Ballroom Mainly hosts concerts during the Rochester International Jazz Festival. Capacity 900.
Hochstein School of Music and Dance Concerts every week. Mostly classical instruments and student performances. Capacity 857.
Iron Smoke Whiskey - hosts live music
Lyric Theatre Has been a Rochester International Jazz Festival venue in the past. Capacity 900.
Water Street 2020 concert venue with capacity of up to 800.
Small Venues
Abilene Live music several nights a week. Indie and Americana bands.
The Angry Goat Pub Live music every week or so.
Astor on Main Live Jazz on weekends.
The Beer Market Live music on Fridays.
Bernunzio Uptown Music Small venue for the Rochester International Jazz Festival.
Boscos DJ on Friday nights.
Brown Hound Downtown Jazz and Gospel during brunch.
Boulder Coffee Co. Live music and open mic several nights of the week.
The Bug Jar Live music every night. Indie and Alternative bands.
California Brew Haus Live music a couple nights a week. Rock, Metal, Reggae, etc.
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Live music most nights. Blues and Rock.
DIY Music Venues list
Flat Iron Cafe Live music a couple nights a week. DJ's and Salsa.
German House Usually a concert every few months.
Hatch Hall Part of the Eastman complex. Small and modern. Usually solo instrumental, chamber and vocal music. Capacity 222.
Kilbourn Hall Part of the Eastman complex. Concerts every week. Usually chamber music, jazz and opera. Capacity 444.
Little Cafe Live music most nights.
The Montage Live Music Hall Hosts one or two concerts a week. Usually lesser-known bands. Capacity 350.
Pane Vino Live music most nights.
Photo City Music hall Features local and national acts. Usually Live Music or nightclub DJ's. capacity 500
Record Archive Occasionally have in-store performances.
Smokin' Joe's Bar & Grill Live music a couple nights a week.
CMAC - Canandaigua, Usually hosts about a concert a week from June until Labor Day. Largest venue in the metro region. Capacity 15,000.
Charley Brown's Restaurant - Penfield
Flaherty's Three Flags - Honeoye Falls, Macedon, Webster
Greece Athena Performing Arts Center - Greece
Harmony House - Webster
Horizons - Perinton
Java Junction Cafe - Brockport
Lemoncello Italian Restaurant & Bar - East Rochester
lovin' cup - Henrietta
New Roots Coffeehouse - Greece
Pane Vino on the Avenue - Pittsford
Prosecco Italian Restaurant & Jazz Bar
The Rabbit Room - Honeoye Falls
Sticky Lips Pit BBQ - Henrietta "Juke Joint" location
The Stage - Scottsville
Thali of India - Henrietta
See Also
Local Acts |
Our Local Acts page of the Music Scene provides categorized listing of Rochester area musical acts. See also Lost Rochester Bands and Rochester In Music. Please make additions by editing in entries or leaving information via the Comment section, below. |
BeTheChange Harmony driven acoustic rock
Bigwood, Lisa Soulful original folk
Gillard, Maria Folk, blues, and swingy jazz singer/songwriter
Paul, Gregory americana/psych folk/ singer/songwriter
Plus Suffix Upbeat, acoustic rock duo with classical/jazz piano
Stefani, Johnny Fun songs, good for driving.
Still Fighting It 3 piece full band acoustic rock from the Finger Lakes
Tuned InK Wide variety of rock and country music
Vaccaro, JoAnn Folk rock singer/songwriter with incredible guitar fingers
West, Steve Acoustic Blues Guy
Cait Wilmot Singer/songwriter with a lyrical Acoustic Folk/Pop music style
String Theory Rochesters own "finger-pickin' good bluegrass music!
Bluegrass Festival Information
Mulberry Soul -
Mulberry Soul Old-time & bluegrass from the heart of the Finger Lakes
Dodge, Andrea Amazing bluesy singer/songwriter
Leah & the Upheaval An eclectic mix of music featuring the bluesy vocals of Leah Fiorucci
Garden Fresh - Comedy rap two-piece espousing the virtues of thrift, politeness, and water
Worm Quartet - One-man comedy synth-punk outfit best known for multiple Dr. Demento show appearances
Airport Scene Electronica
HELLFIRA - Dark electronic music from Rochester, DJ/promoter: Dan Dangler
Ju-Jajuba - Indie electronic pop that makes you feel like a kid again
Silent Auction is a local electronic band
tranquil.a.twist - Down-tempo / trip hop / electronica
The Alpine Black - "Folk Noir"
Golden Link Folk Singing Society
Seth Faergolzia & the 23 Psaegz (a.k.a. The 23 Psaegz) - Weird, glorious freak folk with an array of instruments and approximately 23 members.
Cait Wilmot Singer/songwriter with a lyrical Acoustic Folk/Pop music style
Prime Time Funk World class 10-piece funk band
SubSoil - Hiphop/funk outfit...full live band with emcees Moon and Laz Green
Hip Hop/Rap
H2O - Rap duo from Henrietta
Laz Green -Critically acclaimed underground hip hop
SubSoil - Hiphop/funk outfit...full live band with emcees Moon and Laz Green
The Bailey Quarters Powerpop/Rock/New Wave with Rochester and Buffalo-based musicians
A Wonderful Beautiful Experimental Pop.
The Squires of the Subterrain Psychedelic Pop!
The Tabs Lo-fi psychedelia
Max Americana Indie Rock three piece with a poppy twist.
The Fragile Path International industrial project based in Rochester, Featuring EN ESCH among others...
Róisín Dubh Irish trad/fusion band from East Rochester HS
Margaret Explosion Instrumental improv jazz w/ 3 former members of
Personal Effects
Steve Greene local Jazz guitarist and teacher
The White Hots Four-piece Acoustic Blues/Swing/Jazz
Matt Henshaw Local free improvisation guitarist
- Jazz@Rochester's Jazz Artists & Groups page
Abhor - death metal band
Achilles Hardcore/Metal/Screamo
Agiel Symphonic black metal
Crucifist Skull-Smashing Face-Ripping Death
Desekrator Blackened Death Thrash
Halothane Melodic Death Metal
Malformed Death Metal
Mykel Nitro - Alternative Metal / Neo-Grunge / Stoner Metal
Nokturnal Hellstorm Ripping black metal
Order of the Dead Death Metal
Orodruin DOOM
Sulaco Continuing the legacy of Rochester quirk metal
Warblade Melodic Black/Death Metal
Penfield Symphony - Period instrumental
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
The Publick Musick - Little-known composers from 1600-1800.
The Expired Penfield's punk/ska upstarts
The Sweatshop Boys political punk rock
Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad Super Live Roots Dancing Music for All to Grip!
Thunder Body Roots Reggae
Personal Blend Roots, Rock, Dance hall reggae
A False Reality Hardcore/Metal
A Televised Reality Psychedelic garage punks
Absolution Project Modern rock with heavy rock roots
Atomic Swindlers Glam rock
Auld Lang Syne rock / roots / country / soul
Autumdivers Atmospheric ambient emotive indie pop/rock
Cavalcade Rock and roll’s urgency with an interlaced and reflective approach to each song.
Burning Daylight Country-tinged roots rock with power-pop hooks
The Capitals Sraight up Rock and Roll with a clever twist.
C R B Family-friendly rock & roll
The Chesterfield Kings retro-1960s garage band
Clockmen Disgruntled Working Class Rock
40 Rod Lightning Insurgent North Country / Alternative Americana
Free Agent Rock n' roll to get you dancing
The Frogbots Indie rock 'n' roll.
Froth original rock trio with roots in blues, jazz and jam rock
The Grievants Slant rock
Hey Mabel Cover band - pop, rock, soul & a little blues
Hinkley (
myspace) is one of the best Rochester bands
The Hi-Risers Real-deal rockabilly rock and roll
Hypnotic Clambake Psycho-klezmer-country-blues-indie-rock band
The Isotopes The best brutal surf-core band around!
Jumbo Shrimp Cover Band
The Lawnmowers Amalgam of rock, reggae, jazz, Americana
The Mercies Indie powerpop/rock
Mint Jam A mix of blues and classic rock
Monkey See Classic and modern rock
Mud Ruum Original Jam-Rock and Classic Covers (Pink Floyd, Allman Brothers Band, Grateful Dead, Blue Oyster Cult)
The Neighbors You Hate Indie rock and classic rock meet with disastrous results
Orbit Underground 60's influence, modern edge
That Party Band Weddings, Corporate Parties and more
Pia Mater "An audible magic carpet ride through serene lands of music"
Pietzche Nietzche Irritainment
The Riviera Playboys Garage rock
The Skycoasters Oldies rock-type band
Smock Specialists in "Frolnk*" (*see l
Seeking Monte Seeking Monte is an all-original modern rock band based out of Rochester, NY.
Streamline Modern rock (acoustic & electric)
Suited Stranger Alternative Indie Rock
The Sweet Action '60s Mod Garage Rock
Tin Sphinx Indie garage rock!
Violet Mary "It’ll make your insides stand up and salute"
The Window Room Ambient and instrumental rock
Woody Dodge - Rock, alt-country and some bluegrass flavors
Zarek High school pop/rock
The Hoboz Avon's rising ska-rock stars
The LeVar BurTones 2-tone/third-wave ska from Fairport
Mrs. Skannotto deep-grooving Rochester ska
Comedown - Alternative / Shoegaze / Pop-Metal
Intrinsic - Blues-Punk / Neo-Grunge / Hard Rock
Lupis - Alternative / Neo-Grunge / Noise-Rock
Mykel Nitro - Alternative Metal / Neo-Grunge / Stoner Rock
Sound Control - Subvert-Rock
Blessed Hope Community Church Worship Team - Contemporary Christian
Edge of Jupiter - Time Is Fast Fiction
Gina Etheride - Freelance pianist and composer.
Hopeman Memorial Carillon - University of Rochester
Polly Panic - Original rabid wailing cellist
Choirs - List of choruses and choral societies.
See the Talk Page for discussion about the contents and usage of this page.
Your Input on Local Acts:
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Local Labels |
Blackdog Records is a local independent label founded by Robert Blackburn of Blackdog Recording
Carbon Records is a small independent label run by local experimental artist Joe Tunis
CMI Records - An Independent Record Company
CMI on MySpace
Dadstache Records is a local cassette label founded in 2013
Earring Records is an independent label with releases by
Margaret Explosion,
Invisible Idiot, Colorblind James,
Personal Effects, Pete LaBonne,
Bob Martin,
Little Theatre Compilation, Wilderness Family, The Essentials, Absolute Grey.
Rob Filardo has run Garage Pop Records as an independent label that puts out rock and roll, garage, surf, punk, country, roots(ish) music.
Jargon Records is a label that features
The Riviera Playboys.
Hegira Records (formerly Melee Records) - A local independent label featuring local hardcore and metal acts.
So, Grow Recordings - Local independent label founded by Tim Wilson. Attempts to keep all releases intimate with a sense of being hand made.
Kaotic Records is a local independent label founded by Justin Yelle of Kaotic Recording Studios featuring,
The Filthy McNastys,
Free Air,
the indras, and more...
Bangkok Blend is an independent multi-media label established in 2013.
Music Festivals |
The following local Festivals have a significant music component:
Bands on the Bricks - July and August, Public Market
Canandaigua Art & Music Festival - July
Fairport Music & Food Festival - August, Fairport on Liftbridge Lane near Box Factory Building
Finger Lakes Choral Festival - July
Hochstein at High Falls - July and August
Party in the Park - June-August
Rochester International Jazz Festival - June, East End
Rochester Iosif Andriasov Chamber Music Festival
Rochester Summerfest - July
Turtle Hill Folk Festival - September
Women in Music Festival - March
Open Mic |
Open Mic nights are when cafes, coffeehouses, bars, and bookstores open their stage to anyone who wants to perform. It's a great opportunity for new performers to get out there and try their thing, and it's entertaining to watch, both the good and the bad.
This page lists places in the Rochester that host Open Mic nights. Check individual websites or Facebook for schedule.
City of Rochester
Burlingham Books - Perry
Lovin' Cup - Henrietta (RIT)
Fairpour - Village of Fairport
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Bulletin Boards
Rochester Groove discusses jam bands, tapers, and the reggae.
ROC Craiglists -current and hopping
Flour City Shows Local calendar listings (updated automatically from venue websites) + events and promotional collective started by UR/RIT/ESM graduates/friends - Former members of the Rochester Indie Fest + local musicians and artists.
Of course
City Newspaper always has great listings.
JayceLand is updated every Thursday with selected events coming in the following week.
Jazz@Rochester - Exploring jazz music, musicians, venues and gigs in Rochester and its environs.
Visit the OnStage Website WXXI/WRUR presents OnStage, a new weekly musical series featuring local musicians.
The Refrigerator -Hip. Of the 4 pulldown menus, choose "Music".
Rochester Music Coalition wants you to join them!
WBER Concert Listings constantly updated listing of concerts in WNY.
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2005-12-17 01:32:58 not doin anything day after christmas, check out the Rochester Rap Coalition at Milestones, gonna be a gooood show —BenSteele
2010-07-26 10:25:11 local band, The Radium Girls,, played shows at Bug Jar, Club @ Waterstreet Music Hall, Rochester Indie Fest 2009 @ Boulder Coffee, Lovin' Cup. —KevinEwer
2011-01-21 16:42:41 Acoustic Brew - Rochester’s ENERGY PACKED Acoustic TRIO with an Electric Band Attitude! An eclectic mix from the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and current artists.
2012-01-23 03:32:39 the band Oddish should definitely be on this list! —oddish
2012-03-12 21:36:34 Can you please add under Rock category: HALO - original progressive rock/metal —NickValente
2012-11-22 06:11:58 How do I list my band on your site? Thank you. 585-739-2488 —RickeyEllis
2014-01-29 12:22:08 Awesome band called The Galileo Band is a band that gets people up and dancing. They do Rock, R&B, Motown etc. —AlanG
2014-10-05 21:56:22 I am helping my son's band The Stick Figures to obtain shows. As such, I was wondering the opportunities to be considered to as a band listed as a Rock Band. They have been playing locally, with engagements at Water Street, Bug Jar and the Montage, and always received outstanding reviews.
Attached is the You Tube page I have set up for their band, and their Twitter page for your reference. Feel free to review and I would appreciate any opportunities. Thanks
The Stick Figures (@OfficialSticks) | Twitter —JerryCiriello
2015-12-05 22:34:16 Local Singer/Songwriter (Folk) Dave DiPrimo. Seen at Artisan Works, Lovin Cup, Gallery Openings and more. —DaveDiPrimo
2022-05-16 17:45:17 Could you please add the group 8-Days-A-Week. We're a Beatles tribute. —Bruce
2023-03-06 15:08:57 Small Venue: 75 Stutson Street. 2 stages, seating for 120-180. Concerts are variable Thursday through Sunday. —RoaldHughes