What's that glorious sound? Why, it's a list of choruses and choirs in Rochester and the surrounding region.
Adult Choirs
Eastman Community Chamber Singers - Audition required; sight-reading and good intonation required.
Eastman-Rochester Choirs - Student choirs of the Eastman School of Music.
Finding Your Voice - Adult division of the Hochstein Chorale.
Genesee Harmonic Society - 19th-century American choral music.
Golden Link Folksinging Society - Offer "singarounds."
Gregory Kunde Chorale - Chamber Choir
The Lyric Chorale - Experienced singers.
Musica Spei - a cappella music of the Medieval and Renaissance eras
Oasis Community Chorus - Ages 50+
Ravensong - From the Rochester Chapter of the
Society for Creative Anachronism.
Rochester Oratorio Society - Sacred and popular music.
Rochester Rhapsody - Women's 4-part acappella harmony chorus.
Treble Clefs - Independent, self-supporting group founded in 1925.
Voices - Professional chamber ensemble.
Vox Lumine - For young professional singers.
Children's Choirs
Religious and Ethnic Choirs
Sladki Doumi Women's Balkan Chorus - Contact scherin@rochester.rr.com
Choral Associations
Voice Instruction
Brockport College Community Chorus: Carol Brown at cbrown@brockport.edu
Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester -
Classes and ensembles for the community.
See Also
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