Courtyard Hotels

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Location Phone
33 Corporate Woods, Rochester NY, 14623 [Directions] 585 292 1000
400 Paddy Creek Circle, Rochester NY, 14615 [Directions] 585 621 6050
1000 Linden Park, Rochester NY, 14625 [Directions] 585 385 1000
390 East Avenue Rochester, New York 14607 585 504 2750
[WWW]Rochester West/Greece
[WWW]Rochester East/Penfield
[WWW]Downtown Rochester

Courtyard Hotels operates several of its national chain hotels in the area. They are located on the South side of the city in Brighton near East Henrietta Road, on the NorthWest side in Greece near West Ridge Road and on the East side in Penfield near Linden Oaks Office Park. on June 18, 2021, a downtown location opened at the former East Avenue Inn & Suites location.

Each has on-site dining at "The Bistro", serving breakfast and dinner.


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