This page is for discussing the contents of Diners.
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2006-08-03 17:18:38 I know there is a disclaimer at the bottom of the Diner’s section but it seems like some of the entries are blatantly just café’s. Anything added to the Diner’s page should be arguably a diner and then reserve the “True Diner’s” page for the textbook definitions. There is a Café page, use that for your café’s! :) —RickUrwin
2006-11-16 16:43:13 It seems like a lot of these are here simply because they do not fit into any other category. For example, I would say that Campi's, Hogans Hideaway, Lorraine's Food Factory, and Nick Tahou's are not diners. I think this section needs some cleanup, with some new restaurant category pages created. For example, maybe Hogans would fit under "American"? —StevenDibelius
2005-06-01 10:30:21 A person from a Diner-rich region will realize that there are very few true diners in Rochester. A diner should, at any hour of the day (They must be 24-hour establishments), be able to serve a variety of dishes. Anything from breakfast to steak and lobster, Italian food, Greek, french fries (optionally with gravy), etc. There should be a pastry case directly in front of the entrance. The owners, ideally, will be Greek. The absolute mark of a true diner are the words "All Baking Done On Premises" on the sign. Only a true diner would have this, however it is not required. The only true diners in Rochester are:
2005-06-01 15:18:09 I think this page should be consolidated into the main Diners page as text following the listings or as a footnote. Also: I disagree with this definition of 'true diners.' —RobertPolyn
2005-12-11 15:55:44 I agree with Robert. —TobinFricke
2005-12-12 11:07:41 Why doesn't Gitsis qualify as a true diner? —GeorgeHaberberger
2006-06-27 20:30:23 Hilarious. Thanks for coining "diner-rich" - so fabulous, I shall start peppering my speech w/ it. If only to razz Greek friends. —ChristineLeo
2006-06-27 20:50:26 I can tell you I know the main cook for Jay's—they DO make all their own dishes fresh if at all possible and there is a pastry case in plain view —PeteB
2006-12-14 11:26:02 Thank the gods for our "diner-rich" region. At least we have an alternative to all the chain places. The chain infestation across the country and world slowly destroys the unique regional characteristics that used to help define our cultural differences. Eat at a McDonalds in Paris? Drink coffee at Starbucks in Rome? Are you kidding? —ZedOmega
2007-02-11 09:35:00 Adam, thanks for not deleting Jack's comments. I believe i know what he and Rick meant in tagging “true diners” to distinguish them from cafés and similar formats. Those who grew up in New Jersey and the mid-Atlantic states might also recognize them, which indeed many Greek immigrants founded. Barry Levinson also immortalized them in his 1982 classic Diner. George Lucas similarly set his 1973
American Graffiti among diners but with a wholly California vision. Rochester seems not to have had a similar diner culture, and except for a few, our diners differ. —JohnLam
2007-03-12 11:29:03 Mykonos and Jay's are not "Diners" as defined by the term being used in this forum. One could argue that the old Jay's was a dinder to which I would agree. The are many "restaurants" in Rochester that are clearly diners. Gitsis, Mark's Texas Hots, the Homestead in webster, and quite a few of the greek owned places around town fit the bill exactly. —GordonAnderson
2007-10-11 19:57:59 Since when is Jine's a diner? I think they're a bit pricey. To me, diner == cheap. —JoannaLicata
2008-03-25 19:11:57 Jack, plenty of places fit your criteria minus the 24 hour rule. But being open 24 hours is not a must like you claim (lots of diners on long island and jersey are not 24 hours). Atlantic family restaurant on ridge road in Webster, Golden Fox on Culver, Eastridge family restaurant, Jays, Mykonos, Mel's, Nutcracker to name a couple. I could go on. These places fit your criteria, having a wide range of food and being greek run. —FrankGrimes
2008-05-18 14:44:07 Are the hours that important? ...I think it's more about menu, atmosphere and attitude (e.g. you know you're in a diner when the waitress who greets you says, "Sit anywhere you like, hon!"). Hogan's — with stylish hats on the wall —doesn't have a diner feel at all. "Stylish" and diner do not go together... Funny that none of you mentioned the Highland Diner. ....Now that's an actual diner, .....right? (although their style is a bit "tongue-in-cheek" diner-campy, it's still all about being a diner.) And the Southwedge? pretty cheap, extensive menu and that "no fuss" sit-where-you-want-to feel. —FranceScullyOsterman
2008-09-26 18:43:54 Trying to categorize restaurants is a biased affair. The beauty of the wiki is that it tends toward some equilibrium. A diner is that which seems like a diner to the majority. The common elements would probably be... low to moderate cost, long hours, expansive menu with standard fare like pancakes and hamburgers, and a casual atmosphere. In "Blue Highways" by William Least Heat Moon, he posits the rating of a diner can be inferred from the number of calendars on the wall. —MantraSix
2010-02-20 12:50:30 I would go with the definition given in Wikipedia and include those with a counter-seating section, those built on the old Diner building style, and those that are self-identifying in their name or website about/intro. Many of the current pages are really Family Restaurants (so identified), which is a reasonable alternative description for lots of non-fast-food restaurants in our area. See my suggestions in Family Restaurants/Talk —BradMandell