Dollar General

InfoInfo MapMap
Address Location Phone
3240 Chili Avenue, Chili, NY 14624 [Directions] Chili Paul Plaza 889 3490
1315 Chili Avenue, Gates, NY 14624 [Directions] Chili Paul Plaza 328 3202‎
1900 South Clinton Avenue, Brighton, NY 14618 [Directions] Tops Brighton Plaza 241 9295
1004 Culver Road, Rochester, NY 14609
2873 Dewey Avenue, Greece, NY 14616 [Directions] Carousel Mall 865 5233‎
822 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY 14613 [Directions] Maplewood Plaza 254-1910
2390 Lyell Avenue, Rochester, NY 14606
529 Monroe Avenue Rochester, NY 14607
3892 Scottsville Rd, Scottsville, NY 14546 [Directions] Scottsville Plaza 889-0927‎
Hours Dollar General logo.jpgCompany Logo ®
Varies by location
[wikipedia]Dollar General

Dollar General is a chain dollar store with multiple locations in Rochester. Everything in the store does not cost one dollar—instead, merchandise is sold at even dollar or half dollar prices (ex. $5.00, $6.50, $8.00, etc.). They also own DGX a small urban grocery chain, located in The Sibley Building.


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