Henry August Ward

Birth name Aliases
Henry Augustus Ward None
Birth date Birth place
1834 Rochester, NY
Date of death Place of death
1906 Buffalo, NY
Known for
Founding Ward's Natural Science Establishment
[WWW]Epitaph: Friends of Mount Hope Newsletter
[WWW]Henry Augustus Ward Papers
[WWW]Ward's Natural Science Establishment Papers
[WWW]Ward's Natural Science Establishment Papers, Addition

Henry A. Ward was a nephew of Levi Alfred Ward, one of the early mayors of Rochester. Henry Ward was interested in geology since he was a small child. In 1861 he started teaching natural science at University of Rochester. He opened Ward's Natural Science Establishment in 1862, which housed many specimens pertinient to natural science, including fossils and stuffed animals. He died after being struck by a car in Buffalo, becoming the city's first automobile fatality. His ashes rest in Mount Hope Cemetery.

Henry Ward resided in what is today the Grove Place Historic District.


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