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Lowe's Home Improvement - Rochester Outlets Loweslogo.png
Address Location Phone
300 Owens Rd, Brockport, NY 14420 [Directions] Brockport 585 396 6100
4200 Recreation Dr, Canandaigua, NY 14424 [Directions] Canandaigua 585 919-3300
3150 Ridge Rd W, Rochester, NY 14626 [Directions] Greece 585 453 7500 Accessible
2350 Marketplace Dr, Rochester, NY 14623 [Directions] Henrietta 585 424 1340 Yes
1605 Macedon Pkwy, Macedon, NY 14502 [Directions] Macedon 315 903 9962 Wikipedia
900 Five Mile Line Rd, Webster, NY 14580 [Directions] Webster 585 787 7900 [wikipedia]Lowe's
Website: [WWW]http://www.Lowes.com/

Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse is a national chain home improvement store, with multiple locations in the Rochester area.

Lowe's sells hardware, paint, appliances, gardening, lighting, and other home improvement supplies.


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2010-11-13 09:22:39   Warning: Expect several delivery issues if you purchase appliances from Lowe's. My wife and I purchased some new appliances and when they were about to be delivered, I received a phone call from the delivery department:

Lowe's: While we were loading up your stove, we noticed a large dent in the side. Would you still like us to deliver it?
Me: Um. No. I paid for a brand new stove.
Lowe's: Okay. Then it's going to take additional time to get your stove.
Me: Fine. By the way, we will be out of town the next two weeks on vacation. So please schedule our delivery with that in mind.
Lowe's: Yes, sir!

One hot, sunny, lazy day on vacation... Phone rings... I let it go to voicemail, of course...

Lowe's: Good afternoon, sir. We're loading your appliances onto the truck for delivery. We should be there at around 4pm!