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Neighborhood Service Centers around Rochester |
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585 428 7496 |
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Police And Citizens Together Against Crime (PAC-TAC) and the Community Volunteer Response Team (CVRT) are citizen volunteer programs of the Rochester Police Department.
PAC TAC volunteers patrol streets under the supervision of a Crime Prevention Officer 2 nights a month for 2-3 hours a night and "become the eyes and ears of the RPD" by observing and reporting criminal activity and/or quality of life issues. This is an opportunity to help the community fight crime whether you are a concerned citizen or interested in putting this experience on your resume. Persons also receive training in procedures and radio operation. Must be a minimum of 18 years old and able to walk 2-3 hours.
Homicide leaves a devastating effect on the community. Volunteer for the Community Volunteer Response Team (CVRT). Canvass streets where the homicide took place to see if people are experiencing stress. Refer them to counseling or resources. Must be able to walk a minimum of 2 hours, report by 5:30pm on the night of the call out and be a minimum of 18 years of age.
A criminal history check is performed on all volunteers.
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