
     (Redirected from Race Riots)
InfoInfo TalkTalk

There is no known record of Rochester-area rioting related to the Revolutionary War or Civil War eras, nor of labor-related civil strife in the 1900s. Nor were any of the Vietnam-era protests sufficiently violent to be termed riots. There were, however, Race Riots in 1964.

1964 Race Riots

In addition to RocWiki's page on the riots, the Democrat & Chronicle did a retrospective series about the July 1964 race riots titled Race in Rochester: Forty Years After the Riots, and Wikipedia also has [wikipedia]an article about the riots.

In the aftermath of the riot, organizer [wikipedia]Saul Alinsky came to Rochester at the request of local church groups. His account of the post-riot organizing effort is available as part of a [WWW]1972 interview.

Riots in Other Upstate Cities

Other upstate cities experiencing race-related rioting in the 1960s included Troy (1966), Albany (1967), Buffalo (1967) and Syracuse (1967).

Attica, west of Rochester, experienced a bloody prison uprising in 1971.