Storybrook Child Care

InfoInfo MapMap
Locations Phone
357 Fairport Road, East Rochester, NY 14445 [Directions] - East Rochester location 585 381 3341
1924 Maiden Lane, Rochester NY, 14626 [Directions] - Greece location 585 225 8280
174 Pinnacle Road, Rochester NY, 14623 [Directions] - Henrietta location 585 334 7110
211 Tobey Road, Pittsford NY, 14534 [Directions] - Pittsford location (Main Office) 585 381 7120
Child Care Hours (as of February 2010)
Depends on your plan
Yes-all locations
<welovekidsjuliec AT frontiernet DOT net> - Canandaigua
<welovekidsellen AT frontiernet DOT net> - Greece
<welovekidskathryn AT frontiernet DOT net> - Henrietta
<welovekidsmisty AT frontiernet DOT net> - Pittsford
<welovekidsstacey AT frontiernet DOT net> - Operations Manager: Stacy Schrader
<welovekidsdave AT frontiernet DOT net> - Business Manager: David Cleary

Storybrook Child Care is a child care center with multiple locations in Rochester.


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