The Organizations page provides listings of pages containing lists of organizations and clubs as well as lists of such that are not categorized and listed separately.
501st Legion — Star Wars costuming club.
American Society for Quality to advance individual and organizational excellence in the Greater Rochester Community.
ASM International an organization dedicated to advancing industry, technology and applications of metals and materials
HighEdWebDev - web developers for colleges and universities
MEETinROCHESTER Club that promotes making friends without the pretense of creating a business relationship. It is not a dating site.
Naturist Rochester - nudist group
NISC — Negative Image Scooter Club
PMI Rochester - Project Management Institute local chapter
Radio Clubs - amateur radio, etc
Railroading, Model
Rochester Area Mycological Association - AKA Rochester mushroom club
Rochester Rail Transit Committee — advocating the construction of light rail in Rochester
USS Tranquility - Star Trek, Science Fiction, Fantasy club
See also:
Interest Groups? On Daviswiki it's
Social Structures
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