Lilac Coin Laundry

InfoInfo MapMap
Locations Phone
469 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 [Directions] 585 730 7999
953 North Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14621 [Directions] 585 423 0520
2002 East Ridge Road, Irondequoit, NY 14622 [Directions]
2415 Lyell Road, Gates, NY 14606
Hours (as of January 2013)
Open at 7:00AM till 11:00 PM at Monroe Ave
Other stores close at 10:00 PM
Wheelchair Accessible

Lilac Coin Laundry is a laundromat with four locations, including two in the Monroe Village and Group 14621 neighborhoods of the city. They were remodeled in early 2012 and received new machines. Also has free wifi with electric outlets available. All locations have big screen TV's and some have automatic doors. Monroe Avenue and East Ridge have air conditioning.

Pinball machine: The Addams Family Gold


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2012-12-02 17:19:35   Store has finished its remodel and it looks great. New GIANT 80 lb washers and BIG hot dryers! It is a pleasure to do my laundry now. Free Wi Fi, 3 TV's and lots of folding space. They are open early and the only store in town I know that is open till 11:00 pm. Large parking lot in the rear make this my favorite laundromat in the area. —tommy499