Plum House/Talk

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Discussion about the Breadcrumbs entries on Restaurant pages

Plum House is one of a number of pages contain ## Breadcrumbs markers which apear at the top of the listing ahead of the standardized Headers. Additional Pages include:

What is the RocWiki policy regarding these entries?

We have recently complained to a user for not following RocWike Templates by adding something ahead of the headers - is that a firm policy?

I have also seen another macro inserted in a page that generated a list of reference pages which proved a bit problematic - again duplicating information already on the page within an appropriate context. It also caused a firms page to have competitors entries listed in the middle of their page. I think we need some serious discussions on goals and implementations. BradMandell


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2008-09-15 21:01:31   Breadcrumbs were a bit of an experiment that petered out after Rottenchester correctly pointed out that the list of potential breadcrumbs could easily become unwieldy to manage. As you've noticed, however, the wiki tends to accumulate these sorts of artifacts.

At this point, I lean toward incorporating the breadcrumbs into the article text as appropriate. That ensures they they are actually relevant links.

As for House of Guitars, he inserted the advertising tag line and nickname utterly out of context and then proceeded to add dashes to the phone number. I merely gave the new visitor from outside greater Rochester some context to understand what the line is about (and removed the dashes). —DaveMahon

2008-09-15 21:04:42   Thanks for the response Dave, I understand that the "HOuse" was an exception, but assumed it was still the RocWiki preferred formatting to keep stuff out of the area above the headers. I will start working the breadcrumbs out and make sure the links are in the text. Thanks —BradMandell