Kodak Park was the 2000-acre industrial facility that once provided much of the manufacturing might for Eastman Kodak. George Eastman founded the facility that at one point had over 50,000 employees. In it's heyday it did not actually constitute green space in any sense of the term, although there was always a small memorial park with public access, on Lake Avenue, just north of Ridge Road West.
On the west side of the Genesee River, Kodak Park was a large complex, bisected by Mount Read Boulevard and Ridgeway Avenue, and bordered by West Ridge Road, Dewey Avenue, Lake Avenue, Latona Road, Lee Road and Lexington Avenue.
With the massive downsizing of Kodak, particularly within its film, photochemical and paper divisions, many of the buildings on this enormous campus became obsolete. Recognizing this, Kodak re-purposed major portions of the park. Historical contamination from a century of processing nasty chemicals was addressed. Disused buildings were demolished and the newly opened land turned into actual green space during 2005 to 2007. This work may continue for some time.
Portions of the facility have been redeveloped and marketed as Eastman Business Park. East of Dewey South of Ridge, is a Park - March 2010
West of Dewey South of Ridge looks like a Park - March 2010
See Also