The following restaurants have a significant portion of their menu dedicated to fish and seafood.
City of Rochester
Alex's Place - Batavia
Avon Inn - Avon
AVVINO - Brighton
Black and Blue - Pittsford
The Boardwalk Inn - Brockport
Castaways On the Lake - Webster
Charley Brown's Restaurant - Penfield
Davies Sea Food - Greece
Fairport Village Inn - Fairport
The Food Bar at Wegmans - Pittsford
Galley Restaurant - Spencerport
Hedges 9 Mile Point Restaurant - Webster
Juicy Seafood - Henrietta
Kithno's Seafood - Irondequoit
Marvin Mozzeroni's - Gates, Greece, Irondeqouit, Macedon, Webster
Masters Seafood - Greece
Nucci's - Webster
Perlo's - East Rochester
Rare 3001 - Pittsford
Red Lobster - Greece and Henrietta
Super Crab Juicy Seafood - Henrietta
Tackles on the Bay - Hilton
See Also
Japanese Food - Sushi