Lost Rochester Bands

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Our Lost Rochester Bands provides a place to share information about the history of bands that were once part of the Rochester music scene. Please add your own favorite bands that have passed from the scene by editing them in (please sign any major edited additions) or contributing via the Comments section, below.

    1. 60's
    2. 70's
    3. 80's
    4. 90's
    5. 00's
    6. 10's
    7. Unknown
    8. Comment




* No Parole” - This hard rock group consisted of Brian Copeland (vocals), Dave Widzinski (guitar), Johnny Burgio (guitar), Mike Fittos (drums) and Joe Lisuzzo (bass). They played the main clubs and bars in the city and concentrated on heavier sounds by Tesla, Ozzy, Led Zepplin, Guns-n-Roses, etc., along with solid originals. They opened for Pat Travers, Lizzy Borden, and Immaculate Mary. Their sound was versatile and their musicianship was excellent. They only played for about two years before disbanding.






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2010-05-02 23:23:33   Bands of the 60's not mentioned: The Noblemen, winners of the first WBBF rock band contest at the War Memorial, four guys from John Marshall High School, Bob Johnson, John Conti, Pete Tantillo and Merl Ringwood. Also, the Showstoppers and the Brass Buttons who used to play at the 414 Club at the corner of Dewey and Ridge Rd. West, the bands had Don Potter, Bat McGrath, Bobbi Gugilimi, etc, before Potter and McGrath hooked up with Chuck Mangione. —hoover

2010-06-15 19:47:24   How soon they forget. ( forty five years ) Wilmer and the Dukes were the best band Rochester ever had. Wilmer was as good as James Brown any day of the week. A sacrilege to omit the Dukes. Then there was the Groop Ltd. that had a regional hit in the summer of 65 with "Tomorrow" and "As Time Goes By" Number one for three weeks in upstate. WBBF was the go to station. The Groop also played on Joe Deans Sox Hop twice ( Television ) Would give someone elses right arm to see that footage now.
The Quirks were great,as were the Invictas and the Heard. —jakegerber

2010-07-11 23:21:13   Let me see if I can add some early 90's bands to the mix... I have to start with my favorite of the era: Koo Koo Boy - think Blondie meets Bela Lugosi, absolutely brilliant stuff. New Year's show ringing in 1994 with KooKooBoy and Dog's Life (Skorgie's?) was among my favorites ever. Along the same lines were the Shop Class Squares, which I think shared a lot of the same players with Dog's Life. It is hard to escape the AltRoc scene in the 90's without having experienced the Peachy Nietzsches - a rolling cast of players that seemingly numbered in the dozens in some shows. On the eclectic side of eclectic. I seem to remember catching some act called Phillis Driller - picture if you will ten horns on stage all trying to be John Coltraine. Anyone remember Zezozose (sp?) - me neither... How about surf guitar in the ROC with Duke Galaxy and the Pipeliners? Swinging Beef was a fun blue-eyed funk outfit that was solid. Many Rolling Rocks were consumed watching Spank - my best attempt at describing them is if Les Claypool and Mick Mars played a gig with Fishbone, that would be Spank. Somebody mentioned Big Hair - Was it them who had a song called "Jeff of the Future", celebrating the WITR punk rock DJ of the same name? (Jeff, if you read this, thanks for all the lenses back in the day). Chillin' evenings listening to Mic Fambro solo acoustic were awesome (Mic is the Miche in Miche and the Anglos) and the Big Drum series of shows featuring local acoustic acts organized by the Queen Bee were very cool. I am missing countless others - I will put on my thinking pants and report back with more...

Flying over your house,
(The DJ formerly known as) Chris Ludwig
Host, 'The Coffee Club' on 89.7 WITR '93-'94

2010-08-10 23:05:47   In the 70's there was Whale and Another Pretty Face (who were from the New York City area but played at Fantasy Swings, Elliot's Nest and Ziggy's.) Also the Flashcubes from Syracuse who played with New Math a lot. —LynneB

2010-08-26 08:51:07   Jasper was in my opinion the best country rock band in Rochester late 70's early 80's. Great keyboard player named Jimmy Nelson, awesome lead guitar player named Jim Adams, drummer was Steve Vullo. The other lead singer guitar player was named Paul (help w/last name)and I can't remember Bass players name. I followed them everywhere....Brew Haus, Cottage Hotel, Tuckers, Country Whse.,Schoolhouse, Tid Bits. I wish there was good counrty rock band around. Jasper played everything from Little Feat to Poco to Les Dudek.....really miss that band.

How about these other great bands from Rochester...Autumn Skies, Buffalo Road Show, St.James Band, Slipton Fell, Todd Hobin (actually from Syracuse I think),Stony Creek. There was also a bandthat used to play at the old Art Stock's Playpen named Fate. They did alot of new wave stuff. I can't leave this comment without mentioning Eternity. Thanks Jimmy, John A., John Jones, and Phil the keyboard player for some great music and fun times.... —MikeMaher

2010-09-07 17:42:13   There was a popular cover band from the early 70s, initially called "Freedom Tree" but subsequently changed to another name that I do not recall.

They were regulars at the former motel bar on the southwest corner of Elmwood and Mt. Hope Avenues (now part of UofR). They often played at a large club on the east side of West Henrietta (Peppermint Lounge?) and also the Ramada Inn—the "Ram-it-in" as their saxaphonist liked to call it..

They had an incredibly talented Hammond organist who simultaneously played the basslines with his feet, chords and solos with his hands and sang as well. They had a female singer and a saxaphonist/singer who loved to crack crass jokes. The drummer had a tenor voice and handled all the high falsetto parts when they did their Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons medleys. I'm sure they had a guitarist but I don't remember him clearly. In later years they added a bass player.

Help me out—-who were the musicians in this excellent and under-appreciated band?

Jack Prewitt
Rochester, NY —JackPrewitt

2010-09-23 15:35:50   The Band "ETERNITY" is mentioned in lost bands of Rochester somewhere in here, But there is a huge mistake..they mention everyone in the band ACCEPT THE GUY WHO GAVE THEM THEIR SOUND...LEAD GUITARIST "TOM PROCOPIO" PLEASE ADD HIS NAME. They were one of THE most popular bands in the late 70's and into the 80's! It's a shame they are on the list and only got a mention. —Joeytuchrello

2010-09-23 15:59:01   ACCEPT != except —DamianKumor

2010-11-13 08:11:10   there were some good high school bands also//the cult, the abstractions and the coachmen// i played with the cult and filled in with the coachmen from time to time/// we were all friends and went to school together. bow whiting —bowwhiting

2010-11-13 08:43:56   What about The Muffkins from the 90's? What happened to them? —BatGuano

2010-11-28 20:12:51   What about The Colorblind James Experience? Was Black Sheep too famous to be a "lost band"? Their lead singer probably became the most suscessful rock musician to ever come form the Rochester area. —dbrandriss

2010-12-13 21:13:55   remember: Street Player, Center stage, Impact, The Connectors, Sahara —musicluvr

2010-12-13 21:42:30   Jasper was actually spelled Jaspur; the guitar player was Paul Carpenter and the bass player was Dennis Schauber. They really got around town and even around the state. I think I still have a tape of theirs. Paul Regan was the singer for Claude Raines, at least for a while— there may have been others. Thanks for the memories of Dark Heart Alarm— hadn't even thought of them in years! —LuizAddams

2011-01-11 17:56:46   "musicluvr" asked about Streetplayer...I was in one of the lineups they had which, at the time, was Ricky Orico on keys and vocals, Jody Martino on lead vocals, Davey Gruttadauria on guitar and vocals, Bobby Collucci on guitar and vocals, Chris Brake on drums and Mark White on bass. Occasionally Billy Schifano sang with us. We played Scoops, The Spur of the Moment, west side bars like those. Lot's of Top 40 and dance stuff. Lots of fun! —whthouse

2011-01-14 19:43:48   I remember Old Salt at Red Creek! What ever happened to them? A time of "PEACE." —paisley

2011-02-04 10:02:07   In the mid to late 90's there was a great groove scene with bands like Abby's Cafe, The Druids, Into the Now, and Kernal Wah. One of these bands was always playing at Milestones or Waterstreet. I played Bass in Abby's and the band was often referred to as "That band with the cool artwork" which was done by lead guitarist Steph Ford. These bands were obviously influenced by The Dead and Phish but all had their own feel and were very different. I know there are more to add to this list and maybe someone can help out with that! —EricManzler

2011-02-27 13:04:08   My first recollection of the 60's bands was about high school bands. I remember the T dances, early 60's, at the Knights of Columbus building downtown where Bobby and the Bombers (from Eastridge) was playing. They had the first record I ever bought from a local band. Then, as I snuck in the Aquinas' Sock Hops I learned about The Root of All Evils. Both bands of high school fame that disintegrated quickly. And then, a driver's license opened up the world. Yes, the Quirks at Clover lanes (and they did play Herman's Hermits, too), and Wilmer and the Dukes at Braimar's and another place near Hamlin Beach, and the Invictas playing at Tiny's Bengal Inn in Summerville. And let's not forget the Show Stoppers, who featured Don Potter and Bat McGrath. Here the line blurs between high school and college years, since they were a continuous party in Rochester. But the best was the Varsity Inn, where I could be found every weekend at the table under the toilet seat hanging on the wall. Yes, The Angry Young Men and The Invictas. The House then took over, with singer Phil Sanguedolce (who I believe can still be found singing in bands around the area). The world was changing. I saw there a band that opened up with the a song from the then unknown group Vanilla Fudge. They were called the Kustard Kluster, the name a lame tribute to the psychedelic band, and the two lead singers also did some mean versions of the Bee Gees. The keyboard man was Vinnie Strenk. They were good, but didn't last long. The Invictas went touring and then the Thursday night band stepped up to sharing weekend spots with the House (I don't remember them being called Howz), and this band was the Rustix. The band's bass player at that time was Bob Sohener, Vinnie Strenk showed up again on the keyboards (the Kluster krapped), and the drummer was an ex Invictas guy with a mean foot, David Colon. They eventually moved to the Club, off of East Avenue, recording two albums for Motown's Rare Earth label, and history legend for Rochester. The House did the whole Sgt. Pepper album, dressed in Sgt. Pepper uniforms when the album came out. For those learning to appreciate jazz, Gap Mangione with Tony Levin on bass were playing at The Other Side of the Tracks in Pittsford. (Tony Levin is now a rock legend having played with King Krimson, being Peter Gabriel's bass player, and many others including Alice Cooper and John Lennon.) By this time the Rochester music scene was exploding, and by the late 60's/early 70's we had the Brass Buttons, The Oxford Watch band, the Heard (Hurd?), and The House reformed itself as NEMIS (North East Music Improvement Society), and bass player Ronnie Collins joined the Rustix, bringing them to peak performance. I loved the Rustix, and they were better than most bands. But, they were limiting themselves to being back up to the lead singers, squelching the guitar sound and the tight excitement that the band provided. Eventually Potter and McGrath came back from New York City to open Highly Morris Alley, a coffee house on West Ridge Road that had Chuck Mangione showing up on Saturday nights after his gigs at the Shakespeare in the Xerox tower. And, damn, I think after that I joined society. Put on a tie, got a job, got married,..... can't remember anything else. —deltastrat

2011-03-28 22:19:12   The Jokers Wild, 1965-1970 Joe Ippolito lead singer, bass: Armand Miale vocals, guitars: Lenny Crellin, vocals, drums: Lou ?, guitar: Bruce Dalvin, guitar. Great party band. Would play one set wearing sport jackets that every piece was a different color. Joe went on to form the Bachelor Seven ( 7 single guys who liked partying, They promoted their parties, indoor and outdoors, their largest party was 3,400 people at a party house. He now resides in Laguna Beach, CA. Armand went on to radio and TV sales, Lenny became a art teacher. —broadwayjoe

2011-04-16 03:06:25   Anguish metal/hardcore band 1999-2000 s. had a big fan base. Played all over the rochester area. Won 1999 battle of the band award at waterstreet music hall. Recorded a 5 song EP in 8/1999 and 3 song demo in late 2000. Went on to be gutter slut- Death metal/hardcore/technical metal 2000s. Then one of the singers joined Psyopus-extreme/technical/metal mid 2000s became a tourin act. shared the stage w and a few random local heavyweits/ Ply-metal hardcore late 1990 s-2000 s, , Loopus Rap core band. 1995-2003 , hate machine- metal hardcore 90s-2000s, Division 9 -hardcore 90s-2000s, Controlled substance-hardcore, Blind identity-Metal hardcore 90s-2000s,Sexmaze-experimental metal 90s-2000s, The Niche-jam band 2000s, 40oz failure Rap/metalcore 90;s-2000s, The Druids jam band 90s-present, Tweak-hardcore 90s-2000s, an so many more amazin bands still to be remembered.... —Ericprince

2011-04-17 14:47:24   Interesting.... I was the guitarist in the band "Vegas" from 1979 to 1984 and I don't see it mentioned here. The band from 79 -82 was the top band in Rochester. The first Vegas featured Lou Ricigliano- guitar, Lex Byers -Vocalist, Rich Fiordeliso -Keyboards and B3 - Nick Russo - Drums and Chris Defazio on Bass. Vegas was reformed in 1983 and consisted of a 3 pc horn section. That group T consisted of Lex Byers on vocals, Lou Ricigliano on Guitar, Rich Fiordeliso on Keys, John Pascarella on Drums, Gary Terwilliger on Bass, Rick Austin on Sax, Doc Davis on Trombone, and Jimmy Squirrell on Trumpet. Information can be found at www.sweet-lou.com. —LouRicigliano

2011-04-17 19:28:23   How about these bands... The Trackers, The Root of all Evil, Portable People, The Hangmen, Lincoln Zepher, The Oxford Watch Band, Gunthers Bus, The Gallant Men??? Need data on these bands of the 60's. —LouRicigliano

2011-04-17 21:06:01   How about these bands... The Trackers, The Root of all Evil, Portable People, The Hangmen, Lincoln Zepher, The Oxford Watch Band, Gunthers Bus, The Gallant Men??? Need data on these bands of the 60's. —LouRicigliano

2011-05-03 15:59:46   Remember the group "Kracker" One of the Best Bands Rochester had the good fortune of hearing. They refused to do covers and did mainly originals and album cuts.Gino Vanelli,Benny Mardones, Marty Ballin and Robbie Dupree to name a few. Unbelievably tight with Great vocals and harmonies.Members included: Billy Schifano(Lead vocal and percussion)Don Ferrara(Lead Guitar)Earnie Pavone(Keyboards)Rich Robinson(Bass & Moog Pedals) and John Pasquarella(Drums) —DonFerrara

2011-05-27 10:07:13   A few of the other noteable late 70s/early 80s Rochester bands not yet mentioned were Bahama Mama (early reggae with horns...evolved from another great local band The Fabulous Putz Brothers)...and Toys [WWW]http://www.discogs.com/Toys-Dashboard-Music/release/1745249, sort of a in a Heart genre. Both of those were on the first WCMF Homegrown LP and had their own albums out. Also, along with New Math and Cappy & Frenchmenn were The Klik and The Chesterfield Kings. I think a couple of those bands were on a rare collection LP of Rochester New Wave/Punk called "From the City That Gave You Absolutely Nothing." Also, no mention of Black Sheep from the mid-70s with Lou Gramm pre-Foreigner. You could also count Talas, although technically from Buffalo...later drummer Mark Miller was from Rochester area.

Also, while technically not a "group"....solo artists Walt Atkinson probably gigged more than almost anyone in the 70s-80s in the Rochester area and was called "Mr. One-Man Band" because of his early use of live looping and layering of his guitar/harmonica/vocals. He still plays somewhere down in the Carolinas where he now lives.

+1 to Old Salt (I think OS was also on the first WCMF Homegrown LP,) Wilmer & the Dukes, Bat McGrath/Don Potter

I'm sure I'm missing many others I'll recall when I look thru my music collection. —mc2

2011-08-09 14:15:23   Any info on the 70's group "Orange"? I have a copy of a studio disc that has a number of their originals. Included - "My teriffic Telephone", Sabotage, etc. —JZ

2011-08-27 08:32:54   Prodigy - 1976 to 1978 —PaulVolta

2011-11-27 00:43:47   Well, my boredom is no more as I ponder on days passed with this page! Music had a huge impact on me growing up. For me it wasn't just back ground noise. Through the beginning with the angst, confusion, suffering and my broken bond with society, my music pushed me and in return I turned it up! Fuck Yea!

Around the age of 12, there was this 'special band' playing locally and every time I heard this band came a constant flow of adjectives such as "Blaspheme" and "Sacrilegious!" Even the Catholic Church were involved and as their servants protested, the local media came running with a story that would begin my spiritual pelvic thrust deep into society for many years after! The training years to my Year 0 and no doubt the beginning of personal disobedience of anything organized!

Anyway, Immaculate Mary, a quartette who only wore white clothing on stage-what little they did wear, were creating more then music, they were creating a way, for me anyway. A way to say fuck you without having to say it at all. I guess I was just at that perfect age ya know? -Between child & man in self;but I understood it and it meant a lot to me.

While the protesting may have died down by the time I was able to attend shows at 16-17 years old, their popularity did not. But what I was hoping to read on here was the reason of their demise. I suspect like many other great bands-the right people weren't around in all the wrong places they played and well, they had to grow up and work regular jobs? Their record, "Through the eye's of youth" didn't go far, and you had to be at their shows to feel that energy. Its on their records but live is where it really was at. I mean, they could be playing "Mary had a little lamb" and it would be mind blowing.. -(Which reminds me, before every set, they had this recording of everything and anything "Mary" related, so when the lights when out, you'd hear Run Dmc's, "Mary, Mary..why you bugging" Credences "Proud Mary..." and other "Mary" related-random recordings from other artists and tv shows..and then they'd burst onto stage like Rock Aliens from Loud Planet Mother Fucker!)

So in conclusion, my teen years had a great fucking sound track to it man! I sure do miss those days and proud that Immaculate Mary is part of that musical collage. Also, I must admit that I rather enjoyed writing this piece. I was upset not finding "The World's Loudest Band" on this site but sort of glad for my own selfish reasons of reminiscing back in the day. But maybe now some of those in charge can do some research and go ahead and add a little something special for this band up on here. Surely I can't be the only who followed them back in the day..


2011-11-27 00:44:20   Well, my boredom is no more as I ponder on days passed with this page! Music had a huge impact on me growing up. For me it wasn't just back ground noise. Through the beginning with the angst, confusion, suffering and my broken bond with society, my music pushed me and in return I turned it up! Fuck Yea!

Around the age of 12, there was this 'special band' playing locally and every time I heard this band came a constant flow of adjectives such as "Blaspheme" and "Sacrilegious!" Even the Catholic Church were involved and as their servants protested, the local media came running with a story that would begin my spiritual pelvic thrust deep into society for many years after! The training years to my Year 0 and no doubt the beginning of personal disobedience of anything organized!

Anyway, Immaculate Mary, a quartette who only wore white clothing on stage-what little they did wear, were creating more then music, they were creating a way, for me anyway. A way to say fuck you without having to say it at all. I guess I was just at that perfect age ya know? -Between child & man in self;but I understood it and it meant a lot to me.

While the protesting may have died down by the time I was able to attend shows at 16-17 years old, their popularity did not. But what I was hoping to read on here was the reason of their demise. I suspect like many other great bands-the right people weren't around in all the wrong places they played and well, they had to grow up and work regular jobs? Their record, "Through the eye's of youth" didn't go far, and you had to be at their shows to feel that energy. Its on their records but live is where it really was at. I mean, they could be playing "Mary had a little lamb" and it would be mind blowing.. -(Which reminds me, before every set, they had this recording of everything and anything "Mary" related, so when the lights when out, you'd hear Run Dmc's, "Mary, Mary..why you bugging" Credences "Proud Mary..." and other "Mary" related-random recordings from other artists and tv shows..and then they'd burst onto stage like Rock Aliens from Loud Planet Mother Fucker!)

So in conclusion, my teen years had a great fucking sound track to it man! I sure do miss those days and proud that Immaculate Mary is part of that musical collage. Also, I must admit that I rather enjoyed writing this piece. I was upset not finding "The World's Loudest Band" on this site but sort of glad for my own selfish reasons of reminiscing back in the day. But maybe now some of those in charge can do some research and go ahead and add a little something special for this band up on here. Surely I can't be the only who followed them back in the day..


2011-12-03 16:38:58   My friends and I used to walk over to Leighton Street to watch those 'CMF Monday Night Concerts. Early to mid 70's. The station personnel were nice enough to let us in, but always warned us to "be cool." Anybody know if those shows are around in some format? I would love to hear them again. —SteveMack

2012-01-09 19:23:02   Autumn Skies, who later became M-80. Popular in the early 80's. Played alot at Tucker's, California Brew House, Tiffany's. Anyone know what became of them? —JThomas

JT, after performing as M-80, the group disbanded and the musicians went on to other projects. Brian Venton and Jimmy End went on to join Nik and the Nice Guys. Eventually Brian formed his own party band - The Boss Street Band, which performed around the area during the mid to late '90s. At this point in life, most of the guys have day jobs and they are raising families.

2012-01-12 21:30:27   Have not seen mention of The Color Blind James Experience. Also, John Mooney used to play at the Cottage, and the Sun Mountain Fiddler still plays all over the place (used to see him at the Cottage too). Anyone remember a band I think called the Stovall Brown Band, drummer had a prosthetic forearm? —dbrandriss

2012-01-25 12:56:36   Transmission 56, 90's Released a 45 and a CD under Carbon Records. 45 is Still Available. Band Members Sean Havens, Jamie Fritzsching and Mark Williams. Jamie and Mark on on the West Coast, Sean is still local and plays in Cavalcade. —SeanHavens

2012-02-19 08:34:04   Cappy and the Frenchmen Myspace site: [WWW]http://www.myspace.com/cappyandthefrenchmen

Cappy and the Frenchmen FACEBOOK Fan site:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cappy-and-the-Frenchmen/211684995596740#!/pages/Cappy-and-the-Frenchmen/211684995596740?sk=wallBillThomas

2012-03-03 13:15:05   Hi all. This is Terry Lasaponara, the drummer from the band "Freedom Tree". I read that some people want some info regarding the band, so please email me anytime at <terrylasaponara AT gmail DOT com>. Thank you. —terryfreedom

2012-03-12 10:59:37   I was looking through some vintage issues of Freetime Magazine this weekend when I came across an ad for the bluesband " Jimmy Boston and the Flamethrowers" I remember going out to hear the band during the 1980's. They played a mix of classic blues and swing tunes. They were incredible.Tunes like Caledonia,Help me baby,and Peter Gunn to name a few. The horn section referred themselves to the Hollywood Horns.The band performed regulary at Red Creek and Casablanca as well as Respected Blues clubs in the inner city. The clubs were always at standing room only capacity and the dance floor was always cookin. Band Members consisted of: Jimmy Boston on lead vocals,Donnie Ferrara on lead guitar,Neal O'keefe on bass, Charlie Rau on drums,Russ Marchese on trumpet and Joe Arnone on sax.The bands plan was to perform once or twice a month but due to popularity ended up doing four to five one niters a week for almost two years.Sound and lights was provided by Bill Hooper who always did a Great job.I still have a live recording that they did on WGMC radio. I often wish that a group of this caliber would show up in todays music scene. If you were lucky enough to catch them then you know what i am taking about. This was an incredible group. —["Users/Donna "B""]

2012-03-12 21:09:50   Just want to clear up some inaccuracies and provide more detail for RUKKUS who is listed as a 90s band. My name is Nick Valente, and I am an original founder, guitar player, song writer of the band. I formed RUKKUS with Tommy and Chris Garbin in late 1985 and we disbanded in early 1990 when I left for another project. Therefore, I would consider RUKKUS a late 80s original hard rock/metal band. I left and formed Blastic in 1990 who created a ten song original metal CD called Deep from the Bud with Ed Lynd (Grinders), Todd Dentico (Grinders), and John Giordano. Then in 1993, I formed Justin Tyme with Steve Hartwig, Steve Wright, and John Payton (Buddhahood). Then, in 1995, I formed Rat Salad, all Black Sabbath cover band, with Willy Lopez (Avalon), Joe Lana (Uncle Plum), and Joe Damonda. Today, I play in a 3-piece original heavy metal band called HALO. The band consists of Nick Valente (guitar/vocals), Scott Colicchio (bass/keys), and Vince Rupert (drums). I currently work as VP Business Development and also run my own recording studio called the Sound Chamber. Some other great bands from this time period were Talas, Dirty Looks, Avalon, Black Dragon, Nasty Trast (who's cd cover is my face), Moriah, Immaculate Mary, Warhead, Hate, Supernaturals, Millenium, Bad Action, Aunty Em, Rock Candy, Zillion, Harpo, Run21, Fallen Angel, The Raunchettes, Cat Fight, Shaved Ham, Uncle Sam, Camouflage, and so many more. Thanks. Nick —NickValente

2012-06-23 23:50:54   I use to see Pearl at a club called Headliners North in Nashua, NH; place was always packed when they played, and the band was always rock'n; later, I booked bands at U.of New Hampshire; tried to book Pearl but they had already broken up; I would have paid $3000 to $5000 to have them play; I later worked on the road with major touring acts; there were very few vocalists that could kick ass like she did; rocwiki great way to reminisce. Thanks for stirring up some memories. —rickyp

2012-06-29 08:12:25   Draffin is a band I was into, found it online from a friend ,before I moved to Rochester. From the facebook page: "Formed in 2003, Draffin is a hard rock band hailing from Rochester, NY. The group has built up their diverse sound from scratch, refusing to conform to the latest trends and fads. After much hard work in both the studio and out on stage, Draffin has established themselves as a fresh and original band among the Rochester music scene. Incorporating many different forms and styles into their music, the band is not confined to any one musical genre or sound. Instead, Draffin is an eclectic form of rock, metal, punk, and alternative unlike any other, creating something new and exciting for listeners of all sorts. The band broke up around 2009" Some of the songs were My Angel, Consciosly Connected, Nickels and Dimes, Sunder, to name a few. —bonnev659

2012-08-07 16:58:18   VOICES - The band is from Rochester, NY and began in the early 80s. The original lineup included Rob Lavaque (Keys | Lead Vocals), Gary Skinner (Guitars | Lead Vocals), Lanny Aucter (Drums) and John Fisher (Bass | Moog Pedals). The band was known for its progressive rock music which included covers from Genesis, ELP, Jethro Tull, Peter Gabriel, and the like.

After a successful debut in the Rochester area, Gary Skinner left the band and was replaced by Jon Michael Engard (Guitars | Lead Vocals). By the mid 80s, Voices implemented a more pop-rock genre but continued their Genesis set while recording their album "New Bamboo" with hits such as "Drive In Show" and "Return To Human". Drive In Show got a lot of airplay in the area, which helped the band to grow into one of the most popular bands in the area.

After years of playing to packed houses, the band disbanded to pursue other interests. Eventually the band re-formed with new drummer David Taddeo and went in a new direction. As Genesis cover bands became more and more popular (805, No Camouflage, Artisan), Voices began playing the music of Pink Floyd and renamed itself to "Dark Side of the Moon" playing the album in its entirety - verbatim.

Dark Side of the Moon played two full sets of Floyd music and was one of the first local bands to use intelligent lighting and a large-screen video display timed to the music. Due to their popularity, they outgrew most local clubs and began to play exclusively at the Water Street Music Hall - the only venue that could support the crowd. Eventually the band limited its performances to once a year during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. Due to personal health reasons, the band stopped play in early 2000s and is still on hiatus as of the time of this entry. Its unlikely they will perform again

2012-09-03 21:10:31   I just recalled the band was named 11 pond that performed cinnamon and tear. —johngreb

2012-12-11 09:20:23   My wife and I were big fans of BUXX throughout the 80's. I didn't see any mention of them here. I still listen to them today. I have their album 'Knickers Down' on my ipod. There is a great write up here: [WWW]http://www.glorydazemusic.com/articles.php?article_id=2963PetePalmeri

2012-12-11 15:04:42   Wanted add the Howard Avenue Band, who were based in Greece, they gigged around WNY in the 70s, seen them many times. They played a few double headers with Black Sheep. I would love to hear from anyone they may know anything about the guys these days. Jimy Adams played 6 string guitar, his brother Mike played base, Pat played guitar also, they had a great keyboard player, named Joe C., who I believe went into music recording, engineering & production. Jim played in Jaspur ... they had a few drummers, I remember Danny was one ... They had some great originals, played the brothers and the great tunes of the day. They rocked and I had lots of fun checking them out all over —Buffalobob

2013-01-28 14:32:02   Does anyone have any information or recorded footage of the 70's Rochester band The Other Side? The lead singer was my father, John "Bubby" Blackwell, and I remember a female member named Marge and a member named Bill Buckley, I think. They did covers of popular songs. Any info would be great! —ErikaBLackwellWilson

2013-02-26 02:02:35   There is a blurb at a site called All Music about a band that I think should be included here - Lucifer. Here is the first line: "Rochester, NY, heavy rock quintet Lucifer was formed in 1969 by vocalist Joe Mattioli, guitarist Pete Skelton, and pianist Joe Gallo, who previously teamed in Infirmary;". They had an album out that gained cult status and vintage vinyl copies sold for hundreds over in Japan for a while until someone in Italy rereleased it as a CD without any permission from any of the band members. No revenue has gone to any of them (original band members) from the CD reissue either, as far as I know. Not that I was around to remember this group, I've just met one of them at some family gatherings - our wives are 2nd cousins or something like that. —NewlPost

2013-03-13 08:11:16   Question above : "Hammer" Late 1960's early 1970's. What happened to them??? Answer: This 5 man group, under the management of Jerry Wolf Enterprises, had as original lead singer Mike Buonaccorso later replaced by Dave White. The drummer was Mike Bonafede, but names of the other 3, bass, lead, and keyboards, cannot be recalled. (Keyboard players first name was Mike.) —MichaelB

2013-04-04 12:21:14   Omniblank? —TheNoble1

2013-05-01 21:00:00   just want to say, scorcher,sly roxx, imac.mary, uncle sam.avalon,rukkus,baby grande,..backstreets,penny arcade,house of guitars, etc.etc.i'll never forget you all!!-patti lost —shreddermello@yahoo.com

2013-06-22 04:35:57   My name's Rob Cullivan and I was in The Urban Squirrels from late 1987 to summer 1993, singing and playing harmonica. Myself, Kevin Kane and Johan Engstrom on guitars, Jim Locigno on saxophones, Andi Tratch on keyboards, Mike Fleckenstein on bass and Eric DeRitis on drums, played such clubs as Rumors, Jazzberry's, Richmonds, etc. A few years in, we switched our drummer to Pete Mugnolo and made Tony Cavagnaro our guitarist and added Brian Shuptar on trumpet. We released one single in 1988 and a full-length album in 1992. We were a horn-driven, harmonica-flavored alt-rock band that played rock, blues, a bit of jazz, reggae and country and drew comparisons to everyone from Madness and the Violent Femmes to an overheated washing machine and a drunken sailor on leave. I've lost track of all the bands we played with, but we did shows with Colorblind James, The Fugitives, the Chinchillas, the Rumbles, the Ferrets, Leon Russell, the Wailers, Johnny Winter, Chucklehead, etc. and so on. After we broke up, members of the Squirrels helped form The Buddhahood, the Mysterious Blues Band, the Druthers, the Ferndocks, the Moonmen, MK Ultra and other bands, and played in Dream Engine, the Infants and several other bands. We also played with Stage Poetry Company and did shows with Blackwater Ensemble, a comedy troupe. That's all the basic stuff, if you wanna learn more, buy me a beer. Rochester was a great place to play, and it was an awesome time to be in a band, so many other good bands were out there at the time, from Koo Koo Boy to the Profiles to the Essentials to Lotus STP. Ah, memories! —RobCullivan

2013-07-29 19:03:07   Oh the nostalgic memories of the Bands and the Venues!! I'll add in case anyone left out:

The Cave-on W.Ridge Rd-Lex Byers pre group Vegas band "Masquerade"with Rich Fiordeliso on B3,Marty Dorren on bass,Reinhart Brucker on drums,2 or 3 horn players.I cant remember guitar player.Sets ended in"mmmmm-PIZZA!"

Parlient Lounge(I think in Henrietta)-Jay Capozzi's group "Pride and Joy"Jim Barton on B3 and Al Marino before or after Jim on B3-cant remember who was on drums(Might have been Phil Block) and guitar player

Maxwells Silver Hammer-Jefferson Rd.

Brick and Nail-Lyell Ave-Can still smell in the club the Ragu plant next door cooking up the sauce nights(before it was commercialized and sent out of state)Mostly saw Illusion with Louie Fusilli lead vocals/sax/flute/comedy,Tom Meara-guitar/vocals,Jim Kulp-B3/vocals,Ron Allessi-Drums and Marlane Panarites-lead vocals/harmony.Great group especially their infamous"Scorcha Balla"set.Also saw them at:

Fontainbleu club-I think on St Paul on Durrand side of Stutson st.bridge.

I have some pretty decent live recordings on cassette tape that I recorded on my then new Superscope Stereo cassette recorder! I'm converting these to MP3's before the tapes decompose.These recordings are of Illusion at Ramada Inn,Brick and Nail and Fontainbleu,Pride and Joy at Holiday Inn's Turn of Century Lounge,and Masquerade at THE CAVE-February 1977.All these recordings were around 1975-1978 era.I used to carry 12Au7 tubes and small parts in my car for fixing the Hammond players B3's.A few times it saved a sick organ!

It would be great if someone could start a website where we could post these recordings for all to enjoy and reminice.They bring me back to sitting at the club with friends listening and dancing those carefree years!
Kevin B. kellyspotty at gmail

2013-07-31 13:13:18   Anyone remember the great lounge band "Vic Platii and The New Portrait?" I was one of two "chick singers in 1974 through 1977. We had an opening dance routine and we were good we opened for Phylis Dyler , John Biner , and were booked every weekend. The band had horns , keyboards , drums ,bass ,lead guitar ,and mostly me on percussion. Thank you all for making those times great.


2013-08-06 06:51:51   Greg Hassett played guitar in KooKoo Boy. He is still playing bubblegum-style rock in Rochester.

What about 80's band Resistors? Immaculate Mary? —afmayer

2013-09-13 00:45:37   Would love to see a reunion of the 80's band STREET PLAYER! Lots of good memories! —rjorico

2013-10-07 02:40:41   The Todd Hobin Band —ricklazure

2013-10-07 02:59:06   The Todd Hobin Band- Todd leads with brother Shawn on drums, both from Henrietta. Doug Moncrief on guitar from East Rochester. Mike desnoyer on base, don't know his hometown. Bruce Fowler on guitar hails from NYC. Who can forget Sundays at the Parliament lounge with the Todd Hobin Band, sometimes simulcast by WBBF, AM radio. They played their own music, notable songs were "New York Country Song" and "I Hate You- a love song". They had a number of albums by the late '70s and a CD in 2012

2013-11-07 08:20:03   Fun read here. What about the group Orange? Did Chuck Leone book them? That guitar player was really something? Also, did I miss it or were the Rustix left out? I remember hearing Wilmer with a post-Dukes band called Zebra at Barney Googles over near Palmyra, NY. They were really great. Lots of funky dance music. Also, there was another Rochester—or Rochester area band—that was real funky with horns and stuff in the early to middle seventies. They played every Thursday night in Seneca Falls at TJ's. Name escapes me, but I know they went on to do an album or two. —JayJay

2013-11-09 11:32:37   I got it. Mother Night was the funky horn band. Think they had an album too. Great band —JayJay

2013-12-13 00:33:47   To:kevinB - If you want to share, start a Dropbox account and upload your music files and then provide a link to them. I'd love to hear those bands. I haven't heard the R&B bands, The Untouchables and The Enerjets (from the 80's) mentioned. I know that The Enerjets put out at least 1 lp in '86.How about The Tempests? They put out a 45 called "Rockin' Rochester". In the 80's, Scorgies was the place to be. New Math and The Presstones were a couple of my favorites. —MartinCocca

2014-01-14 12:25:30   There was a late 80s rock band named Double Trouble with two girls (a blone & brunette) as lead singers. They did hard rock, Heart, some 80s metal type music. The girls eventually left for California and the band might have survived for a while as No Trouble.. —cvjanick

2014-01-21 08:52:06   I was a huge Claude Raines fan back in the day and was friends with the band. They thrived in the Rochester area in the 80's, even played for record execs at CBGBs in NYC. You can find the band members on Facebook. Most of them are still playing in other bands...Jeff Galino, Will Young, Cedric Herrera, —Janet

2014-04-21 13:36:25   The First Act was a "Garage Born" band from the 70's, and featured lead singers Darla Carney and Ray Smith. The group was asked to replace another Rochester great, Fred Costello, who, with his jazz style had been performing at Val's Lounge, on Monroe Ave near 12 corners. When The First Act started at Val's, you could shoot off a cannon and not hit anyone, but after about two weeks, the place became packed six nights a week. Along with Darla and Ray who was the bass player, was Chris Burrell on guitar, Mario Belgiorno on sax, and Jimmy Foster on drums. The music was a blend of various styles from that era and included music from The Fifth Dimension, Dionne Warwick, Crosby-Stills & Nash, The Carpenters, Neil Diamond, with a bit of 50's rock thrown in for nostalgia purposes. Five part vocal harmony was something that separated them from most groups of that era, and that was astounding to listen to. As the group progressed, they were approached by Wayne Newtons managers to be slowly introduced into the Vegas style of entertainment, with a show writer to write a complete stage show presentation, as well as original songs, instead of using material from other performers. However, while playing in Nashville, differences in the makeup of the band, broke the band up. They made on album, that they produced themselves and only had enough copies to be sold at some of their performances, and never signed with a recording company due to the lack of original material. —RaySmith

2014-07-24 13:52:09   Anyone remember a band called 'Goddess'? mid 70s...Great rock band, ZZTop, UFO, etc. Played at the Penny Arcade fairly regularly. —EMSacch

2014-08-01 19:37:07   Mid 70s additions, great soul funk bands Mother Freedom, could have been from Syracuse, had 3-4 singers including a guy named Oliver, one of the best. Think he later joined another great funk band named Wells Kelly. Again, had multiple frontmen and a great back line including brothers on bass and organ, think I remember the organ player also being great on sax. Late phase of that group featured George Cochinni on guitar, one of the best out of Rochester, who started with the Rustix and later was with Crosstalk. Crosstalk had Frank DeCesare vocals/sax, Joe Bass on bass, one of Rochesters best, Tom McNall guitar, Phil Block drums, Cochinni on guitar, and myself on keys. Played Red Creek, Maxwells, Pandas, Glass Onion, Purple Pig, many other venues. Band had strong vocals and nice double guitar stuff. Did lots of Orleans, Average White Band, Little Feat. Other members included Rick Considine and also Jay, can't recall last name, both good drummers. —MarkBistis

2014-08-20 07:55:18   A friend of mine, Terry Lasaponara was in the band Freedom Tree back in the '70's.There's probably more people out there that know more about the band than me.He also went to Marshall.

2014-09-04 23:18:04   Does any one remember a group from the 50's and 60's The Jerry Jaye Trio Played at the 414 club,J&l lounge, the Avenue, and Garden Grill Jerry Jaye,Neil Marvel, and Gene Newman ?

2014-09-11 10:00:10   The NINE —JamesAllanBurruto

2014-09-11 10:07:35   The NINE, 1985-1989 power pop band signed to the Indie Label "Dresser." Extensive live performances in New York and beyond. Recorded first record at Music America and Avatar recording studios. Members consisted of Gene Best, lead vox/bass; James Allan Burruto guitar/backing vox; Jimmy Fox, drums/backing vox 1985-1987; Jim McGowen, drums/backing vocals; Chris G (Guerzo) Lead vox/keyboards. Influences were UK, Zepplin, Power Station, level 42, Nik Kershaw, and many others. —JamesAllanBurruto

2014-10-22 11:23:59   I worked behind the bar at the Ramada in the 70's for Dave Scuteri. At the time there was a regular rotation of bands on the local circuit of bars on the westside. Freedom Tree was a big draw, Louie Fusilli was the front man as I recall. They were one of the groups doing a 50's set as the alter ego of Commander Perverto and the Pimples. Can no longer remember the female vocalist name any more. All the bartenders loved it when they played because we had a lot of pretty girls and big tippers. I recall that a few times, there was a biker that was around the place a lot, we talked him into riding into the bar on the Harley with Louie on the back in his fifties getup, waving a toilet plunger over his head. Other stuff: The All Rights, 1960's, carried their gear in an old Caddy Ambulance that was always parked on Chili Avenue . Wilmer and the Dukes on all ages Sundays at Vince's 50 Acres in Rush. The Brass Buttons - I still have two of the psychedelic patterned pins they used to hand out. The Seven, Syracuse based but played here a lot, did some recording, big brassy sound and quite good. Of course the Good Rats, NYC but a perennial ROC favorite. Big Wheelie and the Hubcaps, Philthy McNasty were in town a lot. Later, there was Teezer which begat Talon, they just did a reunion show in LeRoy this summer and I bet they play again, they had a good time doing it. Ice Water Mansion, LaVixen were 80's rock/bar bands.
Clubs:the Cave in Stone Ridge Plaza, Johann's Parliament Lounge at the bowling alley on West Henrietta, Brass Rail,Art Stock turned the old Varsity Inn into The Playpen North. The VI Geneseo was a good time chasing college girls.Fantasy Swings (can't remember its previous name but it was hot then as well), The Orange Monkey, Maxwells. There was a whole string opened by a couple of entrepreneurs (Chuck and Tony comes to mind) during the heyday of Rochester being a big party and pre-disco dance town in the pre-dwi days. It is fun reliving my misspent youth. —BillDecker

2014-11-20 21:16:34   Hi, I'm pleased that someone remembered the band "Orange." My guitar teacher at Properzzi's (sp.?) in ER was Clare DeLong, one of the best guitar slingers in town. Orange also had Marsh Styler, who went on in Duke Jupiter. Forty-five years later, I'm still playing in bands in Denver thanks to Clare. —DougWolkin

2014-12-27 20:32:32   I saw Old Salt perform many times prior to leaving WNY in 1976. Favorite venue was the Belle Starr in Colden, NY. As a student at SUC Geneseo and Old Salt a Rochester area band, I saw them perform there (possibly The Statesman). I last saw the band while visiting WNY in the early '80's at a dance hall in South Buffalo. Took my "little" brother - good times! I had a cassette recording of the band that a friend of mine had given me. I don't remember if it was a sale tape or bootleg, but it was great! The tape was stolen along with a suburban I owned back in the mid '80's. The suburban was recovered, but the tape must now be circulating underground in and around Houston for someone's listening pleasure. My Old Salt tale - BL —BL

2015-02-14 09:33:39   My name is Karl LaPorta, and I am president of the Rochester Music Hall of Fame. Each year we induct, people. bands, venues and certain events, that fit induction criteria, into the RMHF. This year we are inducting one of the biggest 60's, 70's bands in Rochester's music history. I can't say who they are until our press conference on February 25th, 10:00AM at Max of Eastman Place. You can check our website for this years inductees after the press conference and also see who we have inducted our first 3 years by going to www.rochestermusic.org. You can also nominate bands, musicians, venues, etc from Rochester on the nomination page of our website. You can also receive info on the RMHF Facebook page. I happen to have played with a 60's band that did quite well, by the name of the Last Rites. I also played with three 80's and 90's and 2000's bands named, R-Gang, Boy's Lie, and Perfect World. This is a great site. Karl LaPorta, President RMHF. —KarlLaPorta

2015-02-26 11:39:30   Big Hair - Sad to report that Tod Worsham (sp?) has passed away. Let me be the first (here anyway) to pay tribute to one of the best musical artists to ever come out of Rochester. He should be honored and remembered for contributing and supporting a 90's original music scene in Rochester that hasn't been seen since. (IMHO) I played in a band in the early 90's and Tod was so supportive of us....we played several gigs with Big Hair that he alone pulled us into. He will be greatly missed....you can still see some of his art flying (bugs...that he hated with a passion lol) at the bug jar. Some sort of tribute is in order...don't you think? —PhilDann

2015-03-02 07:19:07   Here is information regarding Wilmer & the Dukes being inducted into the Rochester Music Hall of Fame. Rochester Music Hall of Fame
Posted by Bill Hunt · February 28 at 11:14am · Edited ·
WILMER AND THE HALL OF FAMERS: Iconic Geneva band joining Rochester hall - News - Finger Lakes Times
WILMER AND THE HALL OF FAMERS: Iconic Geneva band joining Rochester Music Hall of Fame
ROCHESTER — Jim Richmond remembers the night Wilmer Alexander Jr. climbed into the rafters at St. Bonaventure University’s gym and drove the crowd wild with his antics.
Here’s the thing: Alexander undertook those acrobatics while belting out tunes with his usual skill. He did the same thing when he performed standing on top of the speakers at other venues during the 1960s and 1970s.
“He was a serious musician, but not so full of himself that he forgot to be entertaining,” Richmond said. “Some guys just have that ‘it factor,’ and he had it.”
The Rochester Music Hall of Fame agrees. Karl LaPorta, chairman of the Hall’s board, announced Wednesday that Wilmer and the Dukes will be inducted into the Hall during an April 26 ceremony at the Eastman Theatre.
The Dukes will join singer William Warfield, jazz musician Ron Carter, keyboardist Gap Mangione and Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juszkiewicz in the Hall’s fourth class of inductees.
“There’s great depth in the history of music here, and just the phenomenal performers,” said Jack Whittier, vice chairman of the Hall’s board. “We’ve got a document that’s 55 pages long of potential nominees.”
Alexander was born in Florida and moved to Geneva at age 2. He formed the Dukes in the late 1950s and performed with them through 1974. A new incarnation of the band formed in the late 1980s and continued performing until recent years.
The group, which specialized in R&B, performed at scores of colleges and clubs and released one album. Richmond said it always drew packed houses.
“[Alexander] was like a pied piper, that’s the best way I could put it,” Richmond said. “He was like an icon. People just swarmed to see him.”
Guitarist Doug Brown, a Virginia native, joined the Dukes in 1963 and performed with them through 1974. He was not at Wednesday’s press conference, but he plans to attend the April 26 induction and maybe even perform with fellow Dukes member Ronnie Alberts, a Geneva native.
Other early members included Monty Alberts, Ralph Gillotte of Geneva and Bob Egan. George “Ebo” Alberts, the father of Monty and Ronnie, managed the band, and Brown credits him for helping it succeed.
Drummer Ronnie Alberts said he first joined The Dukes in 1959, returned in 1962 and remained with the band until 1974.
The band was one of the first to hire security to check IDs because so many people tried to sneak in, he said. It was also one of the first to hold teen hops.
“We played a lot of frat parties, especially back when I first came back with the band,” said Alberts, who now lives in Sarasota, Fla. “I think we played every college in the state of New York, and we played out of it. We played Dartmouth, we played Princeton, Cornell, Colgate, name it.”
Alberts said Alexander’s talents were one key to the band’s success. He had a background in gospel music and could play the piano as well as the saxophone.
“The other part was, when we were playing back [then] everyone thought we were a black band,” Alberts said. “They were very surprised to see we were a white band with one black singer [Alexander]. That was kind of unique back then.”
Alberts is happy about the upcoming induction, but he said he never would have predicted it if someone had asked him about it 30 years ago. Back then, the band just played and had a lot of fun playing.
Brown, too, was pleased to see The Dukes being recognized. He said Alexander asked him to join the band after hearing him play in the Rochester area.
“There’s lots of high points and low points, but recording in New York was one of the high points: The record coming out just surprised everybody,” Brown said in a phone interview. “We were well rehearsed, and each person was a good musician. We were mature enough to play, like, weddings, ballads, jazz, swing tunes. That’s what Wilmer and the guys kind of liked. But when we ran into the younger crowd, we played to them, you know what I’m saying? And we did it well. It was like Wilmer had kind of a magic of his own.”
Richmond was among those who succumbed to that spell. He became a fan and eventually a friend and pupil of Alexander’s after seeing him perform one night at North Street School in Geneva.
At the time, Richmond was trying to decide between music and baseball. Two or three songs in, he decided on music.
Richmond’s own band, the Echomen, tried to emulate The Dukes and followed their shows.
“We’d just sit there and study them, and everything they did, we did,” he said.
In those days, The Dukes often played six nights a week.
“What he taught me was more than just how to play the sax,” Richmond said. “He taught me how to read an audience.”
Richmond serves on the Hall’s selection committee and flipped over posters to reveal this year’s inductees Wednesday.
LaPorta spoke about each. He said The Dukes set the bar high for dance hall and club music.
“Everyone about my age and a little younger and a little older remembers all those nights at the clubs and the fun we had dancing along with them — what a great band,” he said. “[They] hit the national Billboard Hot 100 with the band’s first single, ‘Give Me One More Chance.’ I’m sure everyone remembers that.”
Bruce Pilato, who is producing the April 26 ceremony, said myths spread among fans about Alexander’s fate after the band ended its run in the 1970s. He was eager to dispel them.
“A lot of people didn’t think that Wilmer was still around, but Wilmer is alive, and he will be here,” he said.
Richmond said the April 26 ceremony will be emotional for him but also exciting.
“I’m hoping that Geneva people will come out and support this and him,” he said.
About the ceremony
The April 26 Rochester Music Hall of Fame induction ceremony will feature a host of big names and big performances.
The lineup is still being finalized, but event producer Bruce Pilato said inductees Ron Carter and Gap Mangione will be there. Mangione will perform, as will Thomas Warfield, nephew of inductee William Warfield. To honor inductee Henry Juszkiewicz, CEO of Gibson Guitars, the Hall plans to feature an all-star lineup of Gibson Guitar players, including Chris Daughtry.
For more information, visit www.rochestermusic.org —KarlLaPorta

2015-04-13 18:45:52   The lead singer, Dave White, of Hammer has contacted me about submitting some info about our band and I wanted to advise that I will do so after meeting with him. Some of the info submitted by Mike B is incomplete and/or inaccurate, so I will do my homework about where all the members are and post here. Suffice to say in the meantime, Dave is still singing and dancing, perhaps a bit slower on the dancing front, but still a great front man and friend. Those of you who still have your memory and attended the monthly "Lovin Dozen" parties, probably saw the band at the likes of Arena's, Shakespere, Logan's, and Bistol Mountain, where I met my wife. Until I get my facts together, Mike Clary —b3hammer

'Meg and The Clams - Live at Milestones from 1999 to 2005'. featuring Meg Gehman, Joe Lupiani, John Carlino, Phil Lindsay, Lee Johnson, Ted Lincoln and Tim Korff.

2015-08-30 12:56:06   Wow! I kept thinking of bands to include and kept finding them one at a time as I read. Red White and Blues Band?? Werner Fritzschings was the amazing guitarist. Played often at the U of R Palestria. I don't remeber any of the other band members, but I know they would practice on Brooks Ave. Werner went on to join Tim Bogart and Carmine Appice(former bassist and drummer for Vanilla Fudge)in Catus.
Also, Typical Blimp?? Two brothers, one on drums the other on guitar and Steve Banner(?) on bass.
Old Salt I recall seeing at The Bungalow on Mt Hope. -BillBusch —BillBusch

2015-10-08 12:14:44   Wow. Way to tug some memories. Got my start skipping school and learning how to play harmonica downtown, walking around like some forlorn person with the blues. Anyhow, got to do some repairs for Peter Pearce, strings and trombone for Old Salt. Ended up playing roadie for them, would sit in once in a while on gigs I wasn't even old enough to be in. too funny. Over the years got to sit in with so many of these folks, and the mentions of the old clubs really warmed my heart. Ended up working in some of them. Red Creek and The Arcade come to mind. Anyhow, thanks for triggering some great memories, and as they come back, I'll post some more. Anybody know what happened to the rest of Old Salt? Have sat in with Dick Leschorn as recently as 15 years ago probably. BTW in the text above, Ted Paris is misnamed Jim? Played bass in Rain, with Helmut Geddo? sp? and he was my bass teacher, when I thought bass was cool. —AlanDeVincentis

2016-01-22 22:42:32   It's baffling that this page is the only non-sale/auction page in a Google search that talks about "Three Boxes." I have no familiarity with any eastern city's music scene, let alone Rochester, but "Real India" popped up in a local used CD shop, and I was quite delighted by it. I had to add the CD into Discogs and Rateyourmusic (the latter didn't even have the band listed yet!). Thanks for the blurb and the "where are they now" info. :) —Alainsane

2016-05-27 09:05:05   How about Full Tilt? —sabrefreeeek

2016-06-08 19:49:27   ==80's== 1980 to 1985 "Quarter Moon"
Popular wedding and party band that played under this name in the early 80's and later evolved to a number of different interations.Based in the south Rochester area (Lima) originally began as a trio with Gerry Curry , Dale Curry and Andy Stasko. Featured primarily acoustic based versions of popular and classic folk, soft rock and country covers including, America, Eagles, Linda Ronstadt, CSN&Y, Dan Fogleberg, Beatles, etc. emphasizing acoustic guitar work, flute , harmonica featuring male and female vocals and tight harmonies. Later added a rhythm section originally with Dan Johnson on bass and Bill Tarramino on drums but later replaced by Steve Harrison –drums and Ed Kendrick -bass. Adding electric instruments the band later evolved into a and popular wedding /party band performing current pop/ soft rock/ oldies/ classic rock hits as well as a mix of the original format. They played mostly within a 60 mile radius of Rochester. After 1985 the band changed personnel losing Andy Stasko and later also changed it’s name. -andystasko

2016-06-08 21:14:45   regarding "Quarter Moon" in the 80's- if there is anyone that had us play at your party or wedding I'd be interested in hearing from you.andystasko —AndyStasko

2016-07-28 23:42:09   Here are some bands from the 80s I remember. I don't remember a lot about each one though. Sorry if any have been mentioned already: Stripminers, Down with People, Hunger Artist (hardcore punk), NODR (hardcore punk), Elmer Fudd's Gun (hardcore punk), The Ludovico Treatment (hardcore), the Lilacs (industrial noise), Uncle Sam (punk/glam rock), Chesterfield Kings, the Swing Set (garage band), Deerpark, Zeppi Vingt Dois, the Raunchettes (punk), Resistors, Blast Paris, Oedipus Scream (goth/dark wave), Strict 9 (punk), Mr. Potatohead, Shit, Transistor Sister, Twisted Cross (crossover/speed metal), American Vandals (punk), the Fugitives, the Night Stalkers (blues), Funk U (funk/punk), Jah Mel and the Rhythm Factory (reggae), Walk Awkward (hardcore punk). Zen Barbie (punk), Fertility Rite Brothers (punk). That's about all I can remember for now. —JSandy

2016-07-28 23:53:48   Also Bent (hardcore), Immaculate Mary (metal), What about Armand Schaubroeck Steals? How could you leave him out? —JSandy

2016-08-29 15:35:59   Does anyone know where I can purchase copies of Gaylord's Sparkling Cool and Drop a Bomb on a Town of Fried Bologna in any format digital or analog? Virtually impossible to find a trace. Greatly appreciated! —Brootlyn

2016-10-07 18:10:25   Someone asked 'Anyone remember Old Salt'? 'First saw that band at Billy Jack's (Anyone remember that place?) in Penfield circa 1976-1977...'great Southern Rock band

Anyone remember 'Nick 'n the Nice Guys'? Brian Venton was the multi-instrumentalist/vocalist and also had 2 other bands: 'Autumn Skies' and 'Thryce Nightly'...'great club bands

What about 'Art Stock's Playpen North'? I practically lived at that place...'split club with live acts on one side, Dancing on the other...'just a blast.

Anyone remember Cedric Husher, the Promoter...or Jon Sher (Promoter)?...they were the primary sources for live acts at the War Memorial (Blue Cross Arena), the Auditorium Theatre, and the Dome Arena —sdewaters

2016-10-07 18:11:42   Someone asked 'Anyone remember Old Salt'? 'First saw that band at Billy Jack's (Anyone remember that place?) in Penfield circa 1976-1977...'great Southern Rock band

Anyone remember 'Nick 'n the Nice Guys'? Brian Venton was the multi-instrumentalist/vocalist and also had 2 other bands: 'Autumn Skies' and 'Thryce Nightly'...'great club bands

What about 'Art Stock's Playpen North'? I practically lived at that place...'split club with live acts on one side, Dancing on the other...'just a blast.

Anyone remember Cedric Kushner, the Promoter...or Jon Sher (Promoter)?...they were the primary sources for live acts at the War Memorial (Blue Cross Arena), the Auditorium Theatre, and the Dome Arena —sdewaters

2016-12-18 12:02:52   I lived in Rochester from 1976 to 1984 and saw many of the bands mentioned, can provide following info:

Old Salt - someone called them a southern rock band, version I saw was more of a bluegrass band, and included my ex-brother-in-law Pete Pierce (guitar/mandolin/fiddle), who now lives in Mountain View Ca and is married to Karen Ferguson, cousin of comedian/talk-show host Craig Ferguson. At one point Jim Kraut (Putz brothers, Bahama Mama) was also in the band.

Bahama Mama - One of my favorite all-time bands, they'd play Fri/Sat/Sun at the Red Creek, then same at Scorgies, Mason Jar etc. and I would catch almost all of the shows. Ron Stackman ([WWW][WWW]http://www.ronstackman.com/ron_bio.html) on keyboards/vocals, Jim Kraut on guitar, Lou LaVilla drums, Jim Schwartz bass, forgot the horn player names (I see someone mentioned Charlie Freida above so that's one of them but to correct that comment, Ron wasn't a horn player, he was the keyboard player, specifically a Hohner Clavinette). Ron, Lou, and Jim Schwartz continued as the Majestics when Jim Kraut left the band, then Majestics became Scratch Perry's backup band. Jim Kraut also did some recording under the name James London.

Voices - no real info but drummer Lanny Aucter was a housemate of mine on Morningside Park and Vic Park A. Gary Skinner left the band due to dayjob at Kodak.

805 - so technically from Syracuse but they played tons of shows at the Penny Arcade, guitarist/singer used to come out with a boa constrictor around his neck, once saw him break a string mid-song, by the end of the song he had re-strung his guitar and never missed a lyric. Great Genesis covers as well as Beatles (awesome Penny Lane, Walrus), Bowie, etc.

Duke Jupiter - original guitarist Don Miracal was awesome but left the band during recording of their first album (Sweet Cheeks) and is heard on only one song on the album ("When can I see you"?), had a couple of minor hits off that album (Saxophone, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3llqGiN3Q , Trouble in Paradise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG6R38dApbY), recorded a couple of more albums, Taste the Night, Band In Blue, not sure after that. They used to play all the big local festivals, Red Creek, etc. —JimG

Holy (Holey?) Smoke - Dead cover band. Keyboardist Rob Silfvast lives in Belmont, Ca. Guitarist Mark Snavely lives in Webster. Guitarist Kevin DeHond is still playing in Rochester as a duo with Michael Catalano.

Don't know that' they qualify as a "lost" Rochester band, but Spiro Gyra was still playing in the area when I first arrived in 1976 prior to their national/worldwide success, remember seeing them play in one of the U of R cafeterias. And of course longtime Steely Dan drummer Steve Gadd is a Rochester native (saw him playing last year with James Taylor), as well as the Mangione brothers. And grammy nominated sax player Adam Kolker (Ray Baretto, etc) ([WWW]http://www.adamkolker.com/bio.html) was a student at U of R from '76 to '80 and played the local jazz scene during that period

2017-04-22 06:15:50   My favorite local band from the 70s....The Sunday Afternoon Free Band: Paul Strowe, Steve LaShier, Gary Ventura, and Jeff Schrom. They covered the Kinks, the Hollies, Alan Parsons Project, The Babys, Jimmy Buffett, Warren Zevon....used to have a regular Wednesday gig at Tanglefoot's in Fairport, 1978-79.

Related bands: Lickety Split (Gary's subsequent band), Europa (Steve's subsequent band) —DorieJennings

2017-05-09 21:23:01   What about Lace, Heartbreaker , Scorcher , White Widow , and Jumper Bonez in the 80's ? HEARTBREAKER ( early to middle 80's ) ; Alan Gouger ( guitar ) Bob Diaz ( Bass ) can't remember who the drummer was ?
LACE ( early 80's ) , Alan Gouger ( guitar ) The band appeared on the 2nd 96.5 WCMF Homegrown album with the song " Rock Down "
SCORCHER (middle to late 80's ) , Donny Wiessenger ( Vocals ) ( NASTY TRAST , Guitar/vocals ) ,Alan Gouger ( guitar ) , Paul Vansant ( bass ) , Tommy DeRue ( drums )
WHITE WIDOW ( late 80's ) , Alan Gouger ( guitar ) can't remember the other names ?
PANTARA ( late 80's ) , Nick Iovine ( guitar ) ( 50/50 and Back in the Day as of recent ) , Alan Gouger ( guitar ) whom replaced Stan Paviettories ( guitar ) when overseas family emergency happened . Pat Ashby ( drums ) Matt Dirisio ( vocals ) , Domm Trichniccio ( bass )
ULTAMATUM ( 90's ) ( released an EP ) ( great Metallica cover songs and originals performed @ Penny Arcade often )
Deborah Magone ( guitar/vocals )was in a Rochester band in the early 80's ( can't remember name ? ) and also the band appeared on the 1st 96.5 WCMF Homegrown album .
I have both the 1st and 2nd Homegrown albums ( surely there's more to mention when I go back and look )

2017-05-24 03:09:17   How LINCOLN ZEPHYR eventually led to DUKE JUPITER. Lincoln Zephyr was one of the 1st psychedelic bands in Rochester, founded in 1967. They had a sound evolved from Heavy Blues/R&B to Grateful Dead meets Spooky Tooth. Marshall Stiler (of Duke Jupiter): Hammond B3 & Vocals, was main songwriter & center of gravity for the band. Early incarnations featured charismatic Bass Player, Jim Kelly & Lenny Dolan on Drums. A Singer/Rhythm guitar, (can't recall his name, was eventually phased out). Lead Guitarist, Clair Delong, who always had a cigarette dangling from his mouth, had the classic, Les Paul thru Marshall amp/heavy sound. (He caused my right ear permanent damage with his 100 watt stack in a church basment, thanks Clair!) I remember them playing "Tobacco Road", "Morning Dew" & "Rock Me" but not many covers as Marshall was determined to do original music. Some reports on internet they opened for Hendrix at War Memorial in 1968, but it's not true. I saw that show, the Rustix opened. They barely made a dent next to the fluid power of Hendrix, but the venue P.A. was overpowered by Hendrix' 2 X 200 watt Marshall stacks. "The Hackers" cycle gang started yelling "Fix the sound" and Hendrix got pissed off, threw his guitar down, gave the finger & walked off, vowing to never return.
Around 1970 the band continued to evolve with the addition of Dean Miller on Drums & Mike Nichols' distinctive lead guitar & vocal style. Lincoln Zephyr was obviously onto something & had an impressive, thick & gritty, "Hard Psych" sound: Led Zeppelin and Spooky Tooth managed to capture the sound on record first... but it very close for a while. Tapes and /or word of Lincoln Zephyr were circulating and were good enough for Record production people in NYC to have the band come down w/ all their equipment to move into a house in Long Island, N.Y. where they were in pre-production to make a deal & record. The story goes that Jim Kelly, (or it could have been anyone of them) was overheard "talking down" the efforts of the producer & the project was suddenly scuttled. Next, Mike Nichols brought in George Barahas on Bass. I remember a live outdoor concert at the Alexander street "campus" of this line-up, a video taping that aired on WXXI, must've been '71/'72
When Werner Fritzching left Rochester to join "Cactus", that freed up Earl Jetty (from "Red White & Blues Band" & "Joshua") to Join the band on Drums. Now you had the initial makings of "Duke Jupiter", but they went under "Joshua Sun" for a while. I had left high school & my parents had me study Music at Hochstein. Greg Walker was my guitar teacher briefly. He checked out "Joshua Sun" at Red Creek & soon he and Marsh were working on arrangements together & eventually he replaced Mike Nichols for a lighter, tighter, funkier, danceable sound that featured the instrumental tunes, riffs & melody lines that we know as early "Duke Jupiter" by 1973. They then added Donny Maracle, a almost Werner Fritzching style lead guitarist who was in the band for the first three Duke albums starting in 1978. Donny and Greg created the twin guitar harmonies that made for a comparison with Southern rock bands. Thx, Jay Stiler
You can look up the records/ details here https://www.discogs.com/artist/841078-Duke-JupiterJay.Stiler

2017-10-09 17:40:56   Not sure if they were pure ROC, but in the 90's, J.T. and the United Booty Foundation (UBF) Saturday nights at Water Street! I'm now somehow able to cut through the fog and rediscovered several memories of fun evenings there, taking in J.T.'s over-the-top camp.

Also, in the 80s I worked with a few Claude Raines band-members at a restaurant on East Ave...Cedric, a blond woman (perhaps his girlfriend), and the drummer. They were super cool, especially the drummer. Totally forgot about those days until reading this wiki. So many band names jogging so many memories!!! —AlSette

2018-01-01 20:39:08   2018-01-01 I am enjoying all the Rochester Music memories. I need some of your expertise. I am researching the Jerry Jaye Trio. I have found they played at the 414 Club, J & I Lounge, The Avenue, and the Garden Grill - in the late 1950's, and the 1960's. Any suggestions of finding info on the band,it's members, and these places. Thank you ! Cris —CrisHerb

2018-06-04 12:22:13   Hi. Does anyone remember the name of a Band popular in 1978 to early 80's. The female singer's name was Heidi and eventually she married one of the main guys who I think was named Louie. The played often at the Ramada Inn on Chili Ave and at the Holiday Inn on Brooks. Thanks! —CathyNealon

2018-07-15 07:40:33   An addition to LynneB's comments.... Whale also played in Saranac Lake (the Store) and Lake Placid area while I was in college. Probably not the best sound but they sure knew how to get kids rockin on the dance floor. light to heavy rock. —JamesHodock

2019-08-25 15:22:45   It was Ted Paris in the 70's band Rain the guitar play was Helmut Ghetto

2019-09-04 22:59:12   Special ED. Mark Terranova, Tim and Scott Harper and Dan Mayer. Great band. Played late '90s to early 2000s. Scott lives in Rochester as well as Mark who plays in numerous bands including some national acts. Plays with Joe Brucato sometimes. Dan RIP. Also - Immaculate Mary! Why are they not listed!!?? Tom Schippers man!!! Chesterfield Kings too! Greg was the man. Loved talking with him at the HOG along with Tom. —ChrisBlaine

2019-10-24 05:04:40   Here is one from the sixties high school bands that few will remember . Jimmy John and the Jds featuring mad man martin .

2020-02-01 09:06:50   missing from the '60's / '70's are Wilmer Alexander and the Dukes, Red, White, and Blues Band, Joshua, Cedar —M.E.Smith

2020-08-12 13:29:18   hello i am trying to find out some info about the 1993 empire music conferenc as my band played it at the California Brew Haus club while playing our show there was a guy who came in with a big video camera and recorded us and i have been trying to find out if anyone might know who he was or if he was with the conference or a local guy with a local show if anyone has any info please reach to me as i would love to see if i could get a copy of that video if they still have one thank you for ur time i would be willing to pay for that video so i can add it to my private music library thank you howie you can contact me through this site or email me at hschneider63@yahoo.com my old band name was Racin Time thank you —howie

2020-11-24 16:25:12   Cover Story was a band performing between Vegas and Park Avenue in the 80's It consisted of Lou Ricigliano on Guitar vocals, Kevin Knapp on Guitar Keys and Vocals, Joe Polizzi Vocals, Joe Peliccia Bass and Vocals and Michael Giugno Drums and vocals. They performed at the 1987 Lilac Festival and can be heard at www.sweet-lou.com —LouRicigliano

2020-12-10 23:42:00   Hey! Does anyone remember a prog rock band from the 80's called Haji, or Hadji? I think they were from Central NY, like Oswego, but played Rochester frequently. Genesis covers, etc. I think Tom Dorn (Dorn Brothers, local musician icons) joined then for a stint. I cant find anything on them. —BrendanMcCafferty

2020-12-10 23:46:35   Hi! Does anyone remember a band called "The Nines"? Late eighties, cool original music. Short lived band. Played Idol/Liberty. I think the Dorn brothers may have been in the band. —BrendanMcCafferty

2021-03-21 15:37:23   80-90s Miche Fambro was the lead singer and guitarist in The Deserters, and later Miche and the Anglos. Miche was a self-taught musical genius. He died January 2021. He can still be heard and downloads purchased on Bandcamp, and Miche Fambro on Youtube, [WWW]http://www.miche.com/ If you've never heard of this amazing musician do yourself a favor and listen. Here is a short paragraph describing him. I couldn't find the author.

"Miche Fambro's cool, percussive, flamenco/jazz sounds will set the pace for a great music event. Rolling Stone Magazine calls Miche a 'quiet storm�.' His high-energy acoustic style combines the dexterity of a classical guitarist with the soul of a drummer. Miche brings humor, energy and passion to his original songs and stories for a truly memorable performance. While there are a number of "guitar greats" to choose from and plenty of vocalists filling the stages, it is a rare performer who combines both. Miche brings his innovative guitar skills (enhanced by the drum kit seemingly embedded in his classical instrument) together with fluid, far-ranging vocals, to his captivating, original songs for a truly unique performance. Along with a recent move to Maryland, Miche has toured the U.S. and Canada during the past several years, finding enthusiastic audiences in both major cities and tiny towns. Miche brings a professional attitude, an engaging sense of humor, and a musical show that is often called "a breath of fresh air" to festivals, concert halls, house concerts, coffeehouses and colleges everywhere and anywhere."


2021-04-26 12:09:16   'Sweet Feelin' was a Rochester band that had 2 incarnations. The first was formed in 1973 and was together till 1975. Members were, Dan Smith who went on to become Vp of marketing for Fender Guitars and created the hot rod shop. He's also in the fender hall of fame for the orchestrated revamping of the basic production model fender Stratocaster in 1981. The new model was introduced as the standard Stratocaster. Danny Labbate played sax and was formerly a member of of the Brass Buttons 3 dog night and backed up Liza Minnelli with the Brass Buttons on the Ed Sullivan Show. Dick Green formerly of the buddy Rich Band was the trumpet player and wrote all the horn charts for Sweet Feelin. Teddy Peck was the original bass player and played with Rochester's Music Union before joining Sweet Feelin in 1973. Ronnie Alessi was the drummer and went on to play with some of the best local bands ever in Rochester. I was asked to join the band as lead singer by Dan Smith who had played with me in Music Union. The band broke up in 1975. The second Sweet Feelin was formed in 1977 With the first band original members, myself Danny Labbate and Dick Green. Jack Ortolani formerly of the band Orange with Ben Gramm on drums was the keyboard player. John Conti formerly of Jose Felicino played bass guitar. Chet Catello was on Guitar and went on to played with Spyro Gyra, myself Thom Duell as lead singer.

2021-09-03 23:06:32   Smokestack Lightning was a great blues band. I encountered them in the 80s at Cottage Hotel, I don't know whether or not they were around before then. I'll also mention some bands which have not been forgotten - we can revisit this in 20 years: Joe Beard, Chris Beard, Linda Rutherford & Celtic Fire, Mysterious Blues Band, Buddhahood. —JeffVanEpps

2021-09-21 21:51:54   Does anyone recall a band named Archangel from circa 1977, played at the Nortyh Star Bar on Broadway. They did an exceptional cover of Led Zepplin, played Kashmir. Also, Yes, Long Distance Runaround. P.S. Bands not mentioned... Jade, AKA Rock And Roll Revival with Blues Hall Of Famer John Franken (guitar/drums), Dean Krucker (rhythm guitar), Dave Doty (lead guitar/drums). —DaveDoty

2021-10-23 12:10:38   Does anyone remember Pat Searchfield and what band he was in?_ —Maryann1953

2021-11-28 01:36:19   What about the Rustix? Great dancing and listening band in the 60's. Showstoppers were fantastically talented! —Ron

2022-01-17 23:36:40   Where’s the Narcs? Or the Veins? —PatrickVernon

2022-07-03 20:49:42   III PEACE ( or 3 PEACE), a classic rock 3 piece band. Jimmy Schwenzer- guitar and vocals; Rick Hall- bass and backing vocals; Tom Barnard- drums, percussion and backing vocals. Tom took over for the original drummer, Rat (don't know his real name) in about 2002. They took some time off in about 2014 for a couple of years. When they returned, Dave Miller was on bass.They played their last gig on October 6, 2017, at Sticky Lips in Henrietta. —Mark-Miller-2112

2023-01-15 14:36:54   Rain- Alongbwith the bass player Jim Paris, other members were: Brad Morse, lead vocals;, Helmut Getto, lead guitar; Mic (can’t recall his last name) drums; and later they added a keyboard player whose face I recall but not his name. They were contemporaries of another popular blues/rock band of the era, Portable People. —BarbaraBarg

2023-03-28 14:24:50   I followed "Illusion" around a lot in the late 70's early 80's. The members throughout the years were Lou Fusilli(sax,vocals, ball breaker), Heidi Tracy (lead vocals(gorgeous), Tom Meara(guitar,vocals, ball breaker), Jim Kulp(very good on organ),vocals, Terry(Spanky) Hashman (drums), Dan Labbate(very good on sax), Ron Allessi(drums), Marlane Panarites (lead vocals).
Lou and Heidi (got married) left the band and played in another band called "Coast to Coast".
Marlane took Heidi's place for a while. Then Heidi came back until they split up in the 80's.
They played at Holiday Inn (airport), Marriott, Ramada Inn, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Brick n Nail, Parliament Lounge. Saw them a few times in Niagara Falls at The Three Coins and the Sheraton Hotel.
If I remember correctly I was at their last performance at the Sheraton Hotel in Canandaigua.
Have to give a shout out the their sound man Larry Stackman, the best in the business.

Those were great times.......

2025-02-15 17:49:26   Any information on the Robin Steele Band or VIPER? Mid 80's. I know Kevin DeFrance was the lead guitarist for Robin Steele and was the half brother of Ron Defrance, a channel 13 newscaster. Played a lot at the Orange Monkey and Penny Arcade. —BrianVogler